Protecting and Recovering Butterfly Species at Risk in Ontario

The Toronto Entomologists' Association has regular meetings in the non-summer months, many with presentations on specific topics. The next one may be of interest to some members of this project. TEA meetings are open to members and non-members.

Protecting and Recovering Butterfly Species at Risk in Ontario
by Jessica Linton

Jessica Linton is the coordinator of the recently formed Ontario Butterfly Species at Risk Recovery and Implementation Team. She will provide an overview of her research and ongoing work, which includes spear-heading Ontario's first reintroduction project for Mottled Duskywing at Pinery Provincial Park, in addition to other current provincial and national efforts to protect and restore Ontario's butterfly species at risk. In addition to Mottled Duskywing, Jessica will touch on efforts focused on Monarch, Frosted Elfin, Karner Blue and Eastern Persius Duskywing.

Saturday, January 27, 2018.
1:15 pm.
Room 206, Victoria College (91 Charles Street West, close to Museum subway station)

Also, because everyone on iNat takes nature photos, I should mention the excellent Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibit on now at the ROM. Have a look if you have time:

Publicado el enero 16, 2018 02:12 MAÑANA por dkaposi dkaposi


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