Preparation for the 2020 Orthoptera Season

@umpquamatt @geographerdave @leppinm @russnamitz @ldibiccari

You have been tagged because you are the top observers for Oregon Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Crickets and Katydids) sightings. The purpose of this post to grab a few volunteers to help me in this project.

The Purpose of the Project

To collect data from all suitable habitats in Oregon to comprise a complete and thorough identification field guide to Oregon Orthoptera. As of January 17, 2020, there are 136 species of grasshopper and crickets recorded in Oregon but this number can and probably will increase with the help of devoted volunteers.

What data am I collecting?

When you collect data on an Orthoptera species, here's the information I would like those volunteering will collect.

  1. Date
  2. Species (I'll identify it if you can't)
  3. Body Length and Wing Length measured in millimeters.
  4. Sex
  5. Age
  6. Habitat
  7. Accurate location
  8. Any addition notes if any not mentioned above.

These eight aspects cover any data needed to help me develop the outline to creating the Orthoptera field guide.

How can you prepare?

There are several ways for you prepare for the 2020 Orthoptera season. So here's what you can do.

  • I've created a current list of Orthoptera species in Oregon in the following link. It also includes a list of genera that are influx so the genus itself counts as "one" species until new information comes forth.

  • Start plotting out places prior to grasshopper season that you should go to. If you want to find a particular species, you can look up the species on iNat and see what times of the year they are spotted.
  • Get your gear ready early. When I go out and catch grasshoppers, I always make sure I have my ruler, phone (for photos) and my bamboo butterfly net on me.
  • If you decide to join the group and help me collect data, I'm trying to think of efficient methods of collecting your data. You can add your data to the notes of your iNat observation. However that information might be lost so I created a Google Form that you can fill out if you prefer that, I'll just need to send it to you. If you just want to e-mail me in general, I'll do it.
  • Try to learn beforehand the main groups of Orthoptera and how to best photograph them for identification. For example, Oedipodinae (Band-winged Grasshoppers) best need a wing shot for identification along with a lateral shot while Melanoplinae (Spur-throated Grasshoppers) needs a shot of male genitals for accurate identification.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope you have just as much interest as I am to document Orthoptera in Oregon. If you have any questions, feel free to comment and I'll get back with you as soon as possible.

Publicado el enero 17, 2020 06:08 TARDE por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer


I'd be happy to contribute to this project and would like the Google Form. Any suggested resources aside from the Orthoptera species in Oregon list? Best way to learn photography methods for id and sex? Measurement methods?

Publicado por ldibiccari hace más de 4 años

@ldibiccari I'm currently in the making of a post to show how photography/measurement methods. I will tag you in the post once I finish.

Publicado por birdwhisperer hace más de 4 años

If you come to Keizer, Oregon right now there are hundreds of pallid-winged grasshoppers, and California grasshoppers. And in the area surrounding Clear Lake elementary, they are everywhere!

Publicado por bioedteach hace casi 4 años

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