Fall: A perfect time to visit our rain gardens!

First, thanks to all of you who have participated in our project! Your images and input have been invaluable.
Fall is a perfect time to head out and make observations: many perennials are still blooming, attracting pollinators of all kinds. Additionally, many other plants have gone to seed, and this draws a variety of birds (and other creatures), particularly as the fall migratory season begins. The cooler weather is an added outdoor bonus! So please join us and visit some Union County Rain Gardens to see what's happening, and please record your observations in for our biodiversity project. Thanks for your help! And if you want to learn more about why rain gardens are so helpful for maintaining biodiversity, as well as for stormwater mitigation, click here: http://water.rutgers.edu/Stormwater_Management/fs513.pdf

Publicado el octubre 5, 2022 03:24 TARDE por patsyv patsyv


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