Now hiring!

This post is about jobs in the weekly

Want a job? Have a question? Just let me know by commenting.
To comment you need to use the website. On the website great. If not click this link:

Below no longer applies, this is a volunteer position!

Project closed due to inactivity.

Rules about jobs:
Here we talk about quiting, what we will happend if you can't do it, list of reasons that we will let pass by and taking vacation

If you want to quit we want to make and as easy as possible.
What you have to do is comment letting me know.

What will happend if for some reason you can't do:
We have subtitles. These people are ready to help if for some reason our normal person can't do it

List of reasons we will let pass:
Family problems
No internet connection
This list is incomplete, have something you think we should add? Let me know in the comments

Talking a vacation:
Everyone needs a vacation at some point.
This can be a vacation from the weekly and/or a family trip/just a trip

Vacation from the weekly:
Since this is more easy to plan we will talk to our substitute and ask him/her to do it

Family Trip/just a trip
This is harder to plan as there is a day booked.
Please let us know when you leave/come back( dates and times) and we will try our best.
If no one can do it then I will do it for you(please know I will let you know if I can do

Open jobs:

Vote counter weekly:
Your job is to count the votes(which will be in the comments) and tell me the number.
We want to make this job as easy as possible for you so ever week we will make a new voting post in our journal(at

Vote counter daily:
Your job is to count the votes(which will be in the comments) and tell me the number.
We want to make this job as easy as possible for you so ever week we will make a new voting post in our journal(at

Pick the best one weekly:
Your job is to pick out of the 7 best observation the best one(you will let me know at:

Pick the best one daily:
Out of the day your job is to pick the best one out of all the observations of that day

Want to be a substitute?
Let me know in the comments

Who has want job?
This can be to see if you got picked for the job
No one has any jobs at this time

Publicado el octubre 29, 2020 08:51 TARDE por rangermyles rangermyles


Hi, Myles! I just wanted to let you know that I'll probably be taking a trip to North Carolina to visit my grandparents. I'm not certain but I may be taking it in a few days. I'll let you know if there is a change of plans. Bye!
P.S. Multiple people use the imladris profile so I would like you to call me Imladris 10 please.

Publicado por imladris hace más de 3 años

@imladris: Thanks for letting me knows! Sure! I'll do @imladris10.

Publicado por rangermyles hace más de 3 años

Hello Myles, is this job still available? My name is Maren Callaway and I am currently double majoring in Bioinformatics and Spanish at BYU in Utah and just recently found the Seek app. I'm totally in awe of it (and now spend all my free time cataloging species) and want to start working for iNaturalist as soon as possible. Please let me know if I can apply for this job. My email is

Publicado por sassymaren hace alrededor de 3 años

@sassymaren: Thank you for your interest! I'm don't work for iNaturalist nor never did. This is is a post for people to help out with this project. Not enough people add observations on the project so it's right closed now. When it's open we choose a daily observation and a the weekly. We let people do this by voting. Anyway, if you want a job at iNaturalist you can contact I'm sure the amazing support team will give you more information. Sorry for any confusion.
Have a great day,

Publicado por rangermyles hace alrededor de 3 años

@rangermyles Thanks for the info! If the project ends up getting a little more traffic please let me know. I'd be more than happy to work on this project too.

Publicado por sassymaren hace alrededor de 3 años
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