Week 1(Voting is open)


The winners of the week will be picked daily by the person who gets the job and then YOU can pick the best one out of all the daily
We still need someone for the jobs, for the jobs information visit https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/the-weekly/journal/43407
If we don't get anyone the group is not too full yet so I will do it.
Edit:Sorry the days are mixed up we don't have enough people for ever day

The winners are:

Monday: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/63984911
Uploaded by: @imladris
White-tailed Deer
Note: Sorry this was taken yesterday we had no observations today

Tuesday: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/63844204
Uploaded by: @imladris
Toothy Skinks

Uploaded by @imladris
White-tailed Deer

Uploaded by @imladris

Uploaded by @imladris

And the #1 winners is:
There are no #1 winners yet
So go in to comments in vote
To comment you need to use the website. On the website? Great if not click this link https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/the-weekly/journal/43454-week-1-voting-is-open

Publicado el octubre 31, 2020 11:43 MAÑANA por rangermyles rangermyles


Can I start voting for an observation?

Publicado por imladris hace más de 3 años

@imladris Edit 1:
I will add in some more observations and then

Edit 2: Done you may vote

Publicado por rangermyles hace más de 3 años

Should I vote in the comments for this journal post? (Sorry for asking so many questions.) :)

Publicado por imladris hace más de 3 años

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