Betcha by Gall-y Wow

If there was one thing that I saw plenty during the trip, it would be galls. They were of various shapes and sizes, ranging from round and fuzzy (like the Saltbush wooly stem gall) to conelike and spiky (like the Creosote cone gall). I didn’t know much about galls other than the fact that some species of wasps were able to create them (with the help of a host plant). But after doing more research on them, I am confident to say that they are really weird. It is amazing how galls can take so many different forms, even on the same plant. Another crazy thing I learned was that midges can make galls too (poor creosote). My favorite gall would have to be one formed by the California gall wasp. It had such a nice orange coloration to it and it actually looked like a piece of fruit growing on the plant. I am really happy to be doing my project on galls now. (Sorry, not sorry scales!)

Publicado el marzo 14, 2022 02:34 TARDE por solijnatpics solijnatpics


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