Add a Photo-observation and Win!

Many of you are on the hunt for the prizes for naturalist of the year announced in our last post. Now, by popular demand, we're starting a monthly photo-observation contest here at the Vermont Atlas of Life. We'll choose four photos from observations each month and post them here. Photo observations will be chosen on artistic, scientific and overall "wow" impact. It might be a beautiful shot, an amazing sighting captured, a neat behavior, or whatever catches the editor's eye. We'll ask for a volunteer editor each month to select the four finalists. Next month's editor is Kyle Jones. Let us know if you'd like to be the editor for March. To vote, you simply write a comment for the one you like most. The photograph with the most votes wins.

Vote for January! Voting closes in one week.

Publicado el febrero 20, 2013 12:53 TARDE por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland


1. I love these tracks in the snow. So January.

Publicado por kpmcfarland hace más de 11 años

All birds? :) I guess plants are a bit drab this time of year. Anyway, tough choice but I think I am going with #2. I love the way the cardinal seems to be steeling itself against the snow.

Publicado por charlie hace más de 11 años

Can I vote for myself? Actually, I don't want to anyway. My vote goes to #4, Jane Ogilvie's beautiful Common Merganser picture.

Publicado por rpayne hace más de 11 años

I'm going with #2 as well. Never get tired of cardinal shots in winter.

Publicado por susanelliott hace más de 11 años

1. I love the whole tracking scene when not much else is going on (visibly) in winter. All great photos though.

Publicado por kylejones hace más de 11 años

I'm voting for that merganser.

Publicado por susan3 hace más de 11 años

I like the Pine Grosbeak.

Publicado por khemeon hace más de 11 años

common merg

Publicado por joannerusso hace más de 11 años

The Common Merganser!

Publicado por sallen hace más de 11 años

All worthy pictures, but I go with Pine Grosbeak... it's been so nice to have them back this winter, I feel like that pic is one of the ways I'll remember winter 2012/13.

Publicado por larry522 hace más de 11 años

Voting is Closed! Thanks everyone for participating!

Publicado por kpmcfarland hace más de 11 años

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