

Dormancy: A Plant’s Way to Hibernate

Happy Monday, CVNP-goers! Hopefully you aren’t feeling too groggy today after Daylight Saving Time this weekend. In the spirit of the changing seasons, let’s talk about dormancy.

Dormancy is a plant’s response to suboptimal growing conditions. This includes periods of intense heat, drought, lower temperatures, and nutrient shortages. Dormancy in plants is similar to hibernation in animals. Just as a bear gathers food and hides in a cave to sleep all winter, plants will conserve their last bits of water and nutrients by decreasing their activity and receding to their core and roots.

In Northeast Ohio, our plants enter dormancy in the fall when trees and shrubs lose their leaves and perennial grasses and forbs shrivel and brown (Side note: annual plants complete their life cycle in one growing season, and thus, do not enter dormancy in the fall. Examples include jewelweed, black-eyed Susan, and Miami mist). In this feature, I’ll explain how our plants know when to ...más ↓

Publicado el noviembre 2, 2020 07:40 TARDE por mklein1216 mklein1216 | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario
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During your next visit to Cuyahoga Valley, take a closer look at the wildflowers in your National Park. What do you see? Take a moment to snap a few pictures and share them with us here on iNaturalist. Who knows? You might learn something new about the world around you! Not sure where to start? Check out these tutorials: ...más ↓

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