The AI suggests Augochoropsis, but the size seemed more like Agapostemon. Clearly, I'm out of practice. Compare the size to a Nomia on the same flowers here:
How can I recognize Formica when I'm in the field (so I don't submit quite so many of them)?
Nematomorpha as the emerging worm? (sometimes called Gordiacea, and commonly known as horsehair worms or Gordian worms)
With Brie Olsen, Alexa Kusmik, Kelsey Deal, Jared Schluterman, and Tyler Williams.
Dissertation site. Included in "Hydrology-Biology Response Relationships in the Ozark Highlands" (University of Arkansas Department of Biological Sciences dissertation) and publications:
"The influence of drought on flow-ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams"
"Flow alteration-ecology relationships in Ozark Highland streams: Consequences for fish, crayfish and macroinvertebrate assemblages"
Species was identified with genetic testing. In this area Ozark Sculpin and Mottled Sculpin are very similar in appearance making identification difficult.