The owl was sitting on a top branch of a large tree (probably Schinus sp.) at the edge of a house.
This grebe was swimming in the mouth of the Arroyo Sjenka, as the tide flowed back to the ocean (picture 3).
The bird was by itself, and I only saw it once in four days at the locality.
This pair of seed snipes (picture 1 = male; picture 2 = female). were foraging in the open habitat (picture 3) on the mesa above the estuary.
They were comparatively tame, and stayed within a couple of meters of one another as they foraged in this open habitat.
These two seed snipes (picture 2) were part of a group of five birds that were foraging in the open mesa habitat (picture 3). It is possible that these two birds were the same ones that I photographed two days earlier, but this time the group of birds was larger than before.
Se encontraba dentro del vaso, luego de fotografiarlo se lo llevó afuera.
Fue recolectada al llegar con el arribazon. (Es decir ya se encontraba arrancada)
¿Me ayudas identificar sp?
¿Me ayudas identificar sp?