With Valeri Ponzo and Fran Myerson; a successful search for the Cuban Pewee, a lifer for Val and a photographic lifer for me. The weather was pre-sunrise, cool, and breezy at the start, becoming sunny and hottish by the end. We spent some time at the overlook/triple sign area but explored elsewhere when we got bored with waiting for the pewee to appear. Occasionally we left the refuge and birded adjacent yards; we also walked across Key Deer Boulevard to briefly explore the pine rocklands there. Other taxa: 2 "Key Deer" (Odocoileus virginianus clavium). We left at 1100.
In red-cockaded woodpecker cavity
Photo by A. Kreppel
Emerged from tadpoles in a children's pool left outside. Made excellent mosquito larva control while tadpoles.