Galveston County, Texas, US
This bird appeared to have a nest in the area, and was observed on the apparent nest. The actual nest was not photographed to minimize disturbance.
Image 1 male
image 2 female
Mountain Plover, one of at least 30 on a turf farm area along U.S. 57 in Frio Co., Texas. This is a well-known wintering area for the species.
This is probably a variation / form of the 紅星盤瓢蟲 (Phrynocaria congener) according to (紅星盤瓢蟲(雄)
or so called
(Phrynocaria unicolor according to 《香港昆蟲圖冊》Society of Hong Kong Explorer July 2012 p.10)
03/21/2014, 12:37 PM
Canon EOS 7D, 1/1250 sec, f/8, 400mm (EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM), ISO 320 (auto), Exp comp 0
The reflection from the skyscraper on the water created a cool shot.