Gilled mushroom with a volva. The top was light brown with dark brown and white striations around the edge of the cap. The stem was white, with a white universal veil. This mushroom was growing on the decomposed remains of a fallen cedar in a shady area. Possibly Amanita vaginata, but please help me ID!
oval shaped leaves, sorry I forgot to take a picture of the plant
small flowers, 5 unusual looking stamens, 5 petals
found along trail side adjacent to river
Hiked around in the Evergreen woods with the MES students today and came across this. Shaggy cap and it was still closed. Found on the ground near western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllm). Sorry my photos are not great of this.
Kind of a crap pic, but those little orange bumps intiruge me and give me some hope of identification. Growing on buckeye bark, lobs only a few mm.
Growing in scattered groups under conifers. Caps hairy, pores whitish with a light yellow tone. Staining yellowish when bruised. Odor pleasant and mild.
On Scarlet Hawthorne branches near medicinal herb garden on UW campus.
I observed this moss at approximately 17:00 in the woods behind where I live. The temperature was about 55 degrees Fahrenheit and sunny. The plant is growing epiphytically on a young big leaf maple (Acer macrophyllum) or red alder (Alnus rubra). Plant is is a green cushion.
This specimen was observed on Thursday, February 23 2012 at around 13:00 on the Evergreen State College Beach Trail. This moss was found growing in clusters on several fallen branches. Appears to have an almost cushion life form, with the long stems radiating from a central point. Leaves spreading when wet, and highly appressed to the stem when dry.
I found this moss clinging to an apple tree that had fallen down under the weight of the snow. The moss was part of a large west- facing mat on the tree trunk. The moss is pleurocarp.Using my hand lens I can see the sharp tips of the leaves and the many branches coming off the stem, the leaves are all yellow green in color. Just keyed out under the scope, but would like to bounce the ID I came up with off others. Thanks
Time: 1400
Date: 17 January 2012
Locality: 47.07231888222315, -122.97889709472656
Route: Walked outside rear entrance of Lab I Building at the Evergreen State College
This species was found on Acer circinatum (Vine Maple), about 1/2 of the way up the tree. The maple is in an open school courtyard type area on the edge of a conifer forest. The Porella liverwort was also found on the same tree.
I initially thought that this was an Orthotrichum spp. but after looking in 'Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast,' I am no longer sure of this. If anyone can identify this from the image I would be very grateful. The sporophyte growth form is Acrocarp. Upon microscopic examination, many papillae were noted in the leaf. It was snowing on and off at the time that this species was found.
This moss, which I think is Slender Beaked Moss or Kindbergia praelonga, was growing among other mosses on a fallen Bigleaf Maple log. Could it actually be Kindbergia oregana?
This was found creeping along the ground. most of the stems were once or twice pinnately branching while most of the sporophytes had hooked "beakes" on them.
Look at this beautiful specimen! Found this lovely moss on a Douglas fir tree stump. The leaves are on average 1mm in length, and are fairly spaced out on the stem.There were no sporophytes present on any of the moss in this location, any thoughts on the ID?
Arrived at this site at approximately 0800 hours. The weather was overcast with occasional showers with an air temperature of 37 degrees Fahrenheit. The site is located in a mixed Douglas fir and Hemlock stand forest. The soil is of a humus type and is in a rather moist area. The site is on a medium incline on a northern aspect.
The specimen taken for analysis and identification is Plagiothecium undulatum and was on a fallen tree. The plants are large, whitish green to pale green, with a conspicuously flattened appearance forming mats in shaded areas. Leaves are 1.5 to 4 mm long, narrowly egg shaped to lanceolate and sharply pointed. Sporophytes are common from the side of the stem with long inclined capsules that are smooth and curved.
I had never seen moss like this before. Each individual frond is like a fern-hence, fern moss. A book cites it as Hylocomium splendens. However, it could be something completely different, although a type of moss. I posted two different kinds of fern moss in the two pictures, both found along the trail and on the forest floor.
On very rotten conifer log in third growth Pseudotsuga menziesii , capitol forest southwest of Roth dr. southwest of Olympia, WA
Weather was very sunny with no clouds and not much wind.
Found on a Pseudotsuga menziesii near the base in a northwest facing direction. In a second growth forest about 5m from the stream. Overstory mainly Pseudotsuga menziesii, Acer macrophyllum, and Thuja plicata. The understory consisted of Acer circinatum, Gaultheria shallon, and Mahonia nervosa
The Evergreen State College beach trail woods, off the beaten path. At dusk, 50 degrees F. Noticed a neat little patch of P. undulatum which caught my eye with its bright green branches drooping individually. Sporophytes present. This patch was consuming the entirety of the bottom of a large stump. Very little vascular vegetation present, within a compact Thuja Plicata and Alnus rubra woodland, no other trees present. Next to a small creek. In the distance we could hear the calls of 2 or 3 very loud owls exchanging calls for a number of minutes.
Cap: Sessile, woody, golden yellow-orange to dark brown when aged.
Gills: Broad, obtuse, waxy, Cream color.
Stipe: None
Substrate: Down Douglas Fir.
Young, possibly Ganoderma, found on log beside the trail in Pack forest.
I found many of these mushrooms around the woods, especially on trees as a shelf/bracket fungus. Some were brightly colored, some were quite dark on the top. I found a fungus underneath a shrub that was quite dark. Maybe the amount of light that a fungus experiences makes it more or less colorful.
Hard fungi found growing on the end of fallen tree, extremely hard, orange fades to yellow to white
Found on side of fallen log that had been cut into segments by chainsaw. 4 inches by 2 inches. Black center, orange, to white rim. Limited knowledge of fungus.