Fotos / Sonidos


Salamandra Moteada (Ambystoma maculatum)




Junio 6, 2022 a las 10:31 MAÑANA CDT


A spotted salamander died while giving birth (pictured) around March 1st and then noticed the blue cloud looking eggs (pictured). Today is a picture of the baby swimming around in the pool. There are what seems to be quite a lot of them. I’ve seen 20+ and they hide if you move around. Some of them have legs and range from a half inch to an inch and a half roughly. Very interesting!

Salamandra Moteada - Photo (c) mattbuckingham, todos los derechos reservados, subido por mattbuckingham
Identificación de sarah_e_king: Salamandra Moteada (Ambystoma maculatum)
Añadido el 07 junio 2022
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Fotos / Sonidos


Salamandra Moteada (Ambystoma maculatum)




Junio 6, 2022 a las 10:31 MAÑANA CDT


A spotted salamander died while giving birth (pictured) around March 1st and then noticed the blue cloud looking eggs (pictured). Today is a picture of the baby swimming around in the pool. There are what seems to be quite a lot of them. I’ve seen 20+ and they hide if you move around. Some of them have legs and range from a half inch to an inch and a half roughly. Very interesting!

Salamandra Moteada - Photo (c) mattbuckingham, todos los derechos reservados, subido por mattbuckingham
Identificación de sarah_e_king: Salamandra Moteada (Ambystoma maculatum)
Añadido el 07 junio 2022
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