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Febrero 17, 2020 a las 08:49 TARDE +07


An male nymph of mantis species is eating a small katydid. This individual is extremely similar with species “H. patellifera” that has wide distribution in China, and I trust it’s exactly the H. patellifera.

Hierodula patellifera - Photo (c) Ryosuke Kuwahara, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Ryosuke Kuwahara
Identificación de tfwhierodula: Hierodula patellifera, un miembro de Mantis o Campamochas (Familia Mantidae)
Añadido el 21 febrero 2020
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Fotos / Sonidos




Septiembre 5, 2019 a las 02:35 TARDE NZST


Adult female Auckland tree weta. The average body size of individuals of Auckand tree weta in Tiritiri Matangi Island are significantly larger than those individuals that living in Auckland urban area. I think it might be the consequence of pest-free control project in Island that makes weta living with less pressure of predations from invasive mammals.

Hemideina thoracica - Photo (c) Arama Mataira, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Arama Mataira
Identificación de tfwhierodula: Hemideina thoracica, un miembro de Grillos Reyes (Familia Anostostomatidae)
Añadido el 19 febrero 2020
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