Fotos / Sonidos


Zacate Africano (Cenchrus setaceus)




Mayo 27, 2014 a las 07:59 MAÑANA PDT


Common name: Fountain grass
Scientific Name: Pennisetum setaceum
Time of Observation: 7:59:52
Date: 2014-05-27
Weather: Sunny, no wind
Temperature: 18 C
Location: Eaton Canyon Park, Pasadena, CA, US

Habitat: Alluvial savannah
Slope: flat terrain/depression surrounded by slight slope
Sun: complete exposure to sunlight
Water: no surrounding water seen
Soil: alluvial- sandy, gravelly soils

The Fountain grass was found off the main walking trail in a dry, desert-like, and alluvial area filled with stones. This grass commonly seen alongside freeways are about 3 feet high and has many purple flower spikes.

Zacate Africano - Photo (c) btburke, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por btburke
Identificación de williamsipe: Zacate Africano (Cenchrus setaceus)
Añadido el 18 mayo 2020
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Añadido como parte de un cambio de taxón

Fotos / Sonidos


Zacate Africano (Cenchrus setaceus)




Mayo 27, 2014 a las 07:59 MAÑANA PDT


Common name: Fountain grass
Scientific Name: Pennisetum setaceum
Time of Observation: 7:59:52
Date: 2014-05-27
Weather: Sunny, no wind
Temperature: 18 C
Location: Eaton Canyon Park, Pasadena, CA, US

Habitat: Alluvial savannah
Slope: flat terrain/depression surrounded by slight slope
Sun: complete exposure to sunlight
Water: no surrounding water seen
Soil: alluvial- sandy, gravelly soils

The Fountain grass was found off the main walking trail in a dry, desert-like, and alluvial area filled with stones. This grass commonly seen alongside freeways are about 3 feet high and has many purple flower spikes.

Pennisetum setaceum - Photo (c) Geraldine Cadalin, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Geraldine Cadalin
Identificación de williamsipe: Pennisetum setaceum [inactive], un miembro de Pastos Y Cereales (Familia Poaceae)
Añadido el 04 abril 2017
(Especie o grupo inactivo) Añadido como parte de un cambio de taxón

Fotos / Sonidos


Zacate Africano (Cenchrus setaceus)




Mayo 27, 2014 a las 07:59 MAÑANA PDT


Common name: Fountain grass
Scientific Name: Pennisetum setaceum
Time of Observation: 7:59:52
Date: 2014-05-27
Weather: Sunny, no wind
Temperature: 18 C
Location: Eaton Canyon Park, Pasadena, CA, US

Habitat: Alluvial savannah
Slope: flat terrain/depression surrounded by slight slope
Sun: complete exposure to sunlight
Water: no surrounding water seen
Soil: alluvial- sandy, gravelly soils

The Fountain grass was found off the main walking trail in a dry, desert-like, and alluvial area filled with stones. This grass commonly seen alongside freeways are about 3 feet high and has many purple flower spikes.

Zacate Africano - Photo (c) btburke, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por btburke
Identificación de williamsipe: Zacate Africano (Cenchrus setaceus)
Añadido el 05 marzo 2017
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Añadido como parte de un cambio de taxón

Fotos / Sonidos


Zacate Africano (Cenchrus setaceus)




Mayo 27, 2014 a las 07:59 MAÑANA PDT


Common name: Fountain grass
Scientific Name: Pennisetum setaceum
Time of Observation: 7:59:52
Date: 2014-05-27
Weather: Sunny, no wind
Temperature: 18 C
Location: Eaton Canyon Park, Pasadena, CA, US

Habitat: Alluvial savannah
Slope: flat terrain/depression surrounded by slight slope
Sun: complete exposure to sunlight
Water: no surrounding water seen
Soil: alluvial- sandy, gravelly soils

The Fountain grass was found off the main walking trail in a dry, desert-like, and alluvial area filled with stones. This grass commonly seen alongside freeways are about 3 feet high and has many purple flower spikes.

Pennisetum setaceum - Photo (c) Geraldine Cadalin, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Geraldine Cadalin
Identificación de williamsipe: Pennisetum setaceum [inactive], un miembro de Pastos Y Cereales (Familia Poaceae)
Añadido el 02 junio 2014
(Especie o grupo inactivo)

Fotos / Sonidos


Cactus de Higo, Tunas o Nopales (Género Opuntia)




Mayo 21, 2014
Nopales Y Xoconostles - Photo (c) José Belem Hernández Díaz, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY), subido por José Belem Hernández Díaz
Identificación de williamsipe: Cactus de Higo, Tunas o Nopales (Género Opuntia)
Añadido el 02 junio 2014
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