30 de julio de 2024

The Pine Squirrel Conundrum

In North America, if you have ever hiked in the mountains or boreal forests, you've probably encountered one of several species of small squirrels. Often coined as "pine squirrels", the taxonomy of the genus Tamiasciurus is complicated to say the least. Then again, what does have a straightforward taxonomy. Prior to 2016, three species were recognized; the American Red Squirrel (T. hudsonicus) in most of the US and Canada, Douglas's Squirrel (T. douglasii) in the Pacific Northwest, and Mearn's Squirrel (T. mearnsii) in Baja California. However, a genetics paper has shaken the grounds on where we define species in this genus, and now it's caused a roadblock in submitting reports into iNaturalist with the correct species id. I will try to give those interested a full understanding on what's going on, and just my thoughts on these changes.

Every Squirrel Population

Before we start delving into the current issue at hand, we need a clear understanding on what the taxonomy was like in the past. Depending on whose authority you follow, there are 29 different populations of squirrels that have binomial or trinomial name. Twenty-five are included within the American Red Squirrel (sensu lato), three in Douglas's Squirrel, and the Mearn's Squirrel. Here's the list and their approximate distribution as cited in Steele (1998, 1999).

American Red Squirrel

  • preblei -- Most of Alaska, Yukon, NW Territories, south into the Canadian boreal forests to approximately Manitoba
  • kenaiensis -- South-central Alaska; primarily Anchorage and Denali region
  • petulans -- Southeastern Alaska; primarily Chugach and St. Elias Mts
  • pictans -- Extreme southeastern Alaska, and Haida Gwaii region
  • lanuginosus -- Vancouver Island
  • columbiensis -- Interior British Columbia and southern Yukon
  • hudsonicus -- Manitoba, Ontario, north peninsula Michigan, and northern Minnesota
  • regalis -- Isle Royale Island in Lake Superior
  • ungavensis -- Northern Quebec and Newfoundland
  • laurentianus -- Southern Quebec from approximately Montreal and east
  • gymnicus -- New England, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec on the south side of the Lawrence River
  • pallescens -- North Dakota and southern Manitoba
  • minnesota -- Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and northern Illinois
  • loquax -- Indiana and lower peninsula Michigan east to New York and New Jersey, including southeastern Ontario and southwestern Quebec
  • abieticola -- Applachian Mts from Virginia to Alabama.
  • streatori -- Southeastern British Columbia Rockies into eastern Washington and Idaho
  • richardsoni -- Alberta Rockies, western Montana, central Idaho, and northeastern Oregon
  • baileyi -- Central Montana and Wyoming
  • ventorum -- Yellowstone ecosystem of southern Montana south to Watasch Mountains, Utah
  • dakotensis -- Black Hills of South Dakota and Wyoming
  • fremonti -- Colorado Rockies, extreme southern Wyoming, eastern Utah, and northern New Mexico
  • dixiensis -- Mountains of central and southwestern Utah
  • mogollensis -- Central Arizona west into New Mexico to extreme south-central Colorado in the Sangre de Cristo
  • grahamensis -- Mountains around Tucson, Arizona
  • lychnuchus -- Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico

Douglas's Squirrel

  • mollipilosus -- Cascade Mtns from southwestern British Columbia south to the California Coast Range to San Francisco; absent on east slope of the Oregon Cascades
  • douglasii -- Olympic Mtns, Puget Sound, and Coast Range to southwestern Oregon
  • albolimatus -- East slope of Oregon Cascades, plus western Blue Mtns, south through the Sierra Nevadas

Mearn's Squirrel

  • mearnsii -- Sierra de Pedro Martir, Baja California

The Genetics and Split

A genetics paper was published (Hope et. al 2016) in which 109 localities were sampled. In was in the author's conclusion that the genus actually represented three species, but not the same three species we recognized prior to the split. Their suggestion was to lump Mearn's Squirrel into Douglas's Squirrel, and treat all the "American Red Squirrels" in the southwest (specifically fremonti, dixiensis, mogollensis, grahamensis, and lychnuchus) as a new species. This analysis was accepted by ASM, the mammalian taxonomic source for iNaturalist, and as such, was installed into the site.


The Issue

You might be wondering, why are there issues? The split should be rather straightforward, all the squirrels from xeric mountain chains should be Fremont's Squirrel, and all mesic mountains should be American Red Squirrel. Or at least, that's what the literature above regarding subspecies distributions claim. Except in Hope (2016), there are 3 localities in which American Red Squirrels are apparently present in the Colorado Rockies, with one location in which they are sympatric with Fremont's Squirrel.

This conflicts with the idea that maybe these squirrels don't interact, a potential reason why they speciated. The Colorado Rockies are only connected the northern chains by the Book Cliffs that in eastern Utah, and if that had been the point of contact, we would be dealing with a small and narrow hybrid zone. But now that we know that American Red Squirrels occur in places like Rocky Mountain National Park and the headwaters of the Arkansas River, there is essentially nothing stopping them from traversing throughout mass connections of mountains.

This is a prime example of the pitfalls in the phylogenetic species concept, it is not a field-friendly species concept. Because we split the Fremont's Squirrel on nothing more than phylogenetics, and now we're in a situation in which we don't know what we're looking at. And this is a common occurrence on the iNaturalist platform. When the species was initially split, all observations in accord to distributions described in older literature were transferred to Fremont's Squirrel. But some observations were reversed due to the above research. Here comes the next question, how do you identify the squirrels, so you can skip past all this confusion?

Simple answer, is you can't under our current knowledge. That is because the Fremont's Squirrel is nearly identical in pelage to the American Red Squirrel. I tried doing some digging myself, and I can't find the diagnoses for the subspecific variation within the pine squirrels. I can only assume that it was based on pelage, but without the literature actually stating so, I can't see there being a realistic way to distinguish Fremont's from American Red Squirrel.

Future Chances Necessary?

I do believe future changes are necessary to completely understand the pine squirrel complex. I do see some glaring issues as a biologist when I see phylogenetic tree that Hope (2016) provided. I truly believe that they only split the Fremont's Squirrel because it created a paraphyletic relationship with the Douglas's Squirrel. What does that mean? It means under the taxonomic at the time, it would be like someone saying you're cousin is the same species as yourself, but your sibling is not. This is simply not true, so you resolve the issue in one of two ones: one, you treat your cousin as a different species, or you treat your sibling as the same species as yourself and your cousin. So rather than two species, you need to make a decision on whether to recognize one or three species. Hope (2016) chose the 3-species route.

Was the three species route the best route to go? Hard to say, since everyone has a different concept on what defines a species. One thing I will mention is that genetic divergence is not very significant with any of the taxa. Hope (2016) reported that the greatest sequence divergence was 3.64% between the Northwestern and Southern Rockies haplogroups. This is in the upper edge of what is generally acceptable for subspecies, but of course, this is all arbitrary and up to interpretation. Though, I will make the note that there's a number of North American birds with a higher divergence rate, but are still maintained as one species, most notable of which being the Marsh Wren (7.9%). But the divergence rate provided should've been grounds for further out factors are keeping or not keeping these two taxa apart.

If we accept the taxonomy as is, we are still faced a rather concerning issue with the taxonomy. As previously mentioned, I believe that Hope (2016) split the Fremont's Squirrel purely because it was paraphyletic, and that they were more closely related to the Douglas's Squirrel than American Red Squirrels. That's fine and appropriate, but lets take a look at the phylogenetic tree, which I shared above. In the first split of the tree, we see the upper branch comprising the Northwestern and Continental mtDNA haplotypes for American Red Squirrels. In the lower branch, we have the Douglas's and Fremont's Squirrels, but there's other taxa mixed in. You guessed it, haplotypes of squirrels still listed in the current taxonomy as American Red Squirrels. Meaning, even with species split, the American Red Squirrel is still paraphyletic!

This is precisely the reason why I don't like phylogenetic delineate species. You fix the problem without fixing the problem. And the problem is, the Red Squirrel is paraphyletic... twice. If the phylogenetic species concept is used properly, the following changes have to be made in order to maintain the species status of the Fremont's Squirrel. One, split the North Pacific Coast and Central Rockies haplotype as their own species. So all Red Squirrels from the Haida Gwaii to the Blue Mountains of Oregon, would be their own species. Two, you need to do something with the Vancouver haplotype. You can treat that as a full species as well, because the genetic difference is not that great. But given that this taxon is sister to Douglas's Squirrels, I see no reason why they wouldn't be considered a subspecies... except they look phenotypically like Red Squirrels, not Douglas's.

I think you can see what I'm getting at now. We were so super-fixated on recognizing Fremont's Squirrel, that we didn't consider other ramifications to justify our claims. In the end, if we are recognize Fremont's, we would have to recognize four species instead of three, plus a subspecies transfer. Or lump all the squirrels into one species due to the inconsistency of morphological delineation. Sure the Douglas's Squirrel is distinct, but if we include the Vancouver population, then we have squirrels that are phenotypically intermediate or identical to the sister species. Therefore, they aren't as distinct as we thought.

Possible Future Lineup

Remember when I listed all the taxa for pine squirrels? Well, I figured I would post a hypothetical taxonomic list based on the phylogenetics presented in Hope (2016), if we were support a four species concept, and synonymizing subspecies that do not have any genetic structure.

American Red Squirrel

  • richardsoni "Northwestern" haplotype -- Synonyms: preblei, kenaiensis, petulans, ventorum
  • hudsonicus "Continental" haplotype -- Synonyms: baileyi, dakotensis, pallescens, minnesota, regalis, ungavensis, laurentianus, loquax, gymnicus, abieticola

Columbian Red Squirrel

  • picatus "North Pacific Coast" haplotype -- Synonyms: columbianus, streatori
  • undescribed ssp "Central Rockies" haplotype

Douglas's Squirrel

  • douglasii "Western" haplotype -- Synonyms: mollipilosus, albolimatus, mearnsii
  • lanuginosus "Vancouver" haplotype

Fremont's Squirrel

  • fremontii "Southern Rockies" haplotype
  • lychnuchus "Sacramento Mtns" haplotype
  • mogollensis "Southwest Sky-Islands" haplotype -- Synonyms: grahamensis

Now you know the pine squirrel dilemma. If you have any additional thoughts or opinions, please feel free to comment below. I do not perpetuate to be an expert in any way, but this is just my take on the issue as a biologist.

Publicado el julio 30, 2024 11:38 TARDE por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de abril de 2024

American Kestrel Subspecies and Ids


The American Kestrel is a highly polytypic, and sometimes polymorphic, species of falcon present throughout the New World. The latest taxonomy suggests 17 different subspecies (Clements 2023), though some are probably synonyms. Due to a recent series of inquiries and rebukes, I am responding to these questions via this post, rather than give a lengthy explanation on each observation. Hopefully, I can perhaps clear the air on the taxonomy of this amazing little falcon, and help you be able to confidently identify them to subspecies.

Northern American Kestrel (ssp. sparverius)

-- Range: Throughout Alaska, Canada and the lower 48 States (except southeast), including northwestern Mexico. Will winter throughout Central America, as far as Panama. Occurs regularly in the Greater Antillean as well.

-- Id marks: The most variable of all subspecies, it is hard to quantify what precises falls under the "Northern" umbrella. Perhaps the most unique feature is the red crown spot. This feature is exclusive to the Northern, though not all individuals exhibit this red crown spot. In essence, the presence of a red crown spot absolutely confirms this subspecies, but the lack thereof does not mean it's another subspecies. Here's some photos, also note the variation in markings on the upper and underparts.

https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/301274451 (no red crown spot)

https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/394463281 (heavily reduced crown spot)

Tropical American Kestrel (ssp. tropicalis)

-- Range: Baja California to N

-- Taxonomic Issues: Looking at photos, I believe that peninsularis (Baja California) and nicaraguensis (Honduras and Nicaragua) likely represent synonyms of this race. They share may common traits and they don't seem to fall under the 75% rule (Amadon 1949) for diagnosable subspecies.

-- Id Marks: Compared to the very similar Northern Kestrel, this subspecies differs consistently in have much more cleanly white underparts in males (vs. tawny or buffy in US birds), limited barring to the upperparts, and always lacking the red crown spot. However, in wintertime, it may become very difficult to distinguish breeding Tropical Kestrels from blue-helmeted Northern Kestrels. Female diagnosis follows a similar scheme.



Southeastern American Kestrel (ssp. paulus)

-- Range: Breeds in certain pockets from South Carolina to central Florida, though some recapture banding records come from southern Florida and the Bahamas.

-- Id Marks: Very difficult to discern from Northern Kestrel, especially in winter when both subspecies overlap ranges completely. Males are generally described as being blue-headed (no red crown spot), reduced or absent underpart spotting, and limited barring on the upperparts. However, there's plenty of individuals that push the boundaries of these id traits, and it's likely due to some intergradation with Northern Kestrels in the Gulf states. Females are often credited with having thinner streaking below, not having quite the globous streaking of northern females. Mustaches are also thinner, making the face appear more whitish.



East Caribbean Kestrel

Publicado el abril 7, 2024 04:19 MAÑANA por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

09 de septiembre de 2023

New Discovery: Three Undescribed Steiroxys species in One Locality in NE Oregon

On the afternoon of September 5th, I found what appears to be three undescribed Steiroxys species living at Penland Lake, Morrow County, Oregon. Twelve individuals were captured and photographed, and there was a variety of differing terminalia.

We documented 8 females that have subgenital plates consistent with that of species-z, an undescribed species with 2 iNat reports in Alberta and four genetic samples in GenBank (confirmed by one of iNat reports being a sample). This is the same species that is erroneously identified as trilineata on sources like SINA and GenBank. This species appears to be a parthenogenetic species, which would explain why we didn't capture a male. Here's links to the 8 reports.


I captured 3 (1 m, 2 f) individuals of a completely new species that I'm not calling species-l2. Male cerci are large, tubular and sharply hooked. The inner tooth is very close to the base, and not always clearly visible. Visully the cerci look most like species-k2 of Long Creek and Philips Lake, OR, but the outer tooth of k2 curves under the inner tooth, making the hook-like appendage appears mono-toothed. Female subgenital plate drastically different from any species I've encountered (approx. 13 undescribed species) with strong apical hooks but a distinctly hourglass-shaped plate. I'm hoping that I can convince the folks I'm working with to name this species clepsydra because of that unique feature.


Lastly, I found one more location species-g occurs. This is a wide-ranging species, and I have collected specimens in Morrow, Umatilla, Wallowa, Union, and Grant counties, though it almost certainly occurs in Baker County, and southeastern Washington.


Publicado el septiembre 9, 2023 03:45 MAÑANA por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

07 de junio de 2022

Renew IPNRM for 2022?

@masonmaron @cgates326 @peterolsoy @the-catfinch @jnelson @uta_stansburiana @andybridges @philkahler @brodiecasstalbott @nightjar09 @kenchamberlain @benmeredyk @er-birds @peregrinetracy @sydnianajones @josegarrido @hkibak @rlfg @bwana28 @eliloftis @craigjhowe @docprt @danithedeer @flammulated @chrisleearm

If you are one of the mentioned people above, that means that between July and December since 2019, you are one of the top observers for "raptors" for Oregon and Washington counties east of the Cascade Mountains. All raptors observed within this time frame was automatically added to a project I managed called the Inland Pacific Northwest Raptor Migration. The idea was to observe all 35 expected species of raptors, starting from the breeders (July/August) to migrants (September/October), to wintering species (November/December). It was also supposed to document as many individuals as possible.

The reason why I'm tagging you is because I'm wondering if I should renew the project for the 2022 season. This August, I will be moving to Wyoming, which means I will personally have little participation in the project. I'm worried that if I do create the 2022 project, it will have a very low outcome of observations since a third of all the reports are my own: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/inland-pnw-raptor-surveys?tab=observers

Now I understand some of you don't live within the project perimeters, all I'm searching for is public opinion on how the project went. If it is something you enjoyed and was looking forward to, then I'll get started on the 2022 project. If it was of minimum importance to you or you don't really care, then it's apparent a project for this year will just fizzle out. I just want to hear what you have to say.

Publicado el junio 7, 2022 04:16 TARDE por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de abril de 2022

Why the Bald Eagle has no subspecies

There are two recognized subspecies of Bald Eagle, the Northern Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus washingtoniensis) and the Southern Bald Eagle (H. l. leucocephalus). As many might know, I'm really into subspecies and I try to identify them whenever possible. But the taxonomy is not perfect and there's simply subspecies that do not exist. One of these is the Bald Eagle.

The problem stems from the fact that even the authors who do recognize the two populations only tentatively believe they exist. The two subspecies are differentiated purely by size and wing chord, with the largest birds, living in Alaska, having about a 244 cm wing chord, and the smallest birds in Florida, with a 168 cm wing chord. However, take these measurements with a grain of salt since there's quite a bit of sexual size dimorphism, with females possibly being 25% larger than the male. Now if you don't use the metric system, these measurements translate into 66-96 inches.

Now you might say, 30 inches is quite a size difference, surely you can identify a size difference between an eagle with a 5.5-foot wingspread from one with an 8 foot. Let's do some math here: If 66 inches is the smallest male leucoephalus and females can be as much as 25% larger, then we can see a female as large as 82 inches, which means the southern population can cover most of the size variation. Flip the coin and assume 96-inch eagles are the largest female washingtoniensis, then the smallest male can be 72 inches. That gives us quite a bit of size overlap.

Now that we've identified the root of the problem, how can you be sure that the "female" leucocephalus you're looking at is not a male washingtoniensis. And we haven't even touched clinal variation yet. We have evidence that the mass and wing chord of Bald Eagles gradually increases with the latitude. That means eagles nesting somewhere like Montana are going to be smaller than Alaskan eagles but larger than ones in Texas.

That makes making a distribution map quite difficult, because if size is gradually and consistently increasing throughout the country, then it's very difficult to draw a line and say, "eagles north of this line are washingtoniensis and those south are leucocephalus." In fact, that line I am speaking about is literally the 40th parallel. Using that logic, and using that invisible line to differentiate Bald Eagle subspecies, eagles you see in Nebraska are washingtoniensis, while those in Kansas are leucocephalus, even if there are two nests, only a few hundred yards away, separated only by a latitude and state line.

With the combination of no morphological differences, sexual size dimorphism, geographical clinal size variation, and the lack of a true distribution range all point to one thing. The Bald Eagle has no subspecies! This is why I am discouraging the use of such ids, because there is absolutely no way someone can photograph an eagle and claim it to be the northern subspecies, let alone expect an identifier to correctly confirm that sighting. That is my two cents worth.

Publicado el abril 17, 2022 11:57 TARDE por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

28 de febrero de 2022

The "Mangrove" Black Hawk

This is one of the most erroneously used avian taxon in all of iNaturalist, the Mangrove Black Hawk (Buteogallus [anthracinus] subtilis). Out of the 60 observations on iNat, most of them are likely not this subspecies.

The problem is, we don't really know what the Mangrove Black Hawk is. It was originally described as a species in 1905, with its distribution being the Pacific coastline of South America. Though many authors have voiced their opinions on the taxonomic status of the Mangrove Black Hawk, for simplicity reasons, I will gloss over those fine details. The real problem started in 1931 when Peters supported the speciation of the Mangrove Black Hawk but extended their range well northward on the Pacific slope, all the way to Chiapas, Mexico. That is a huge range expansion! Ever since, authors argued on the id marks of Mangrove and Common Black Hawk, and whether or not the two species bred sympatrically.

Bill Clark (2007) provided an excellent summary of the complex by saying in places like Costa Rica or Panama, the black hawks looked and sounded identical on both the Pacific and Atlantic slopes. His paper was later cited as the primary source for lumping the Mangrove Black Hawk with the Common Black Hawk in a SACC and NACC proposals. Both committees passed the lumping but kept the current erroneous ranges of the two subspecies.

My take on the issue is, reduce the range of the Mangrove Black Hawk back to what it was in 1905. The Mangrove Black Hawk, and I mean the real ones, are readily and reliable identifiable. There are 5 currently recognized subspecies of the Common Black Hawk, I say there's only two; nominate which resides from Arizona to Trinidad, and subtilis from Panama (possibly) to Peru. Here's some photos to compare to:

Arizona Common Black Hawk:

Ecuadorian Mangrove Black Hawk:

Costa Rican "Mangrove" Black Hawk (Pacific Slope):

Costa Rican Common Black Hawk (Atlantic Slope):

Now that you've taken a good look at hawks from both endpoints of their distributions, and a number of individuals in countries where both of supposedly present, what do you see? The Costa Rican "Mangrove" Black Hawks look nothing like the hawks in Ecuador. Those Costa Rican hawks look no different to those seen on the Atlantic slope, who look identical to hawks seen in Arizona. If we look into what Mangrove BH look like, and by that, I mean those with rufous secondaries, there seems to be a narrow contact zone. See here:

Southeastern Panama:

Pacific Slope of Colombia:

Note the distinct differences again? It seems as soon as you head into South America, suddenly, the hawks become a spitting image of what Mangrove BH are supposed to look like. Regardless of what you think, subspecies or species, that's your opinion. But for identification purposes on iNat, look for these 3 features in identifying:

  1. Rufous secondaries; both readily visible in flight and perched.
  2. Barred emarginated primaries, not dark.
  3. Mangrove BH probably does not occur north of Panama.
Publicado el febrero 28, 2022 05:57 MAÑANA por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de enero de 2022

My 2021 Birding Year

Year Total: 305
Life List: 349

Best Month: May -- 178 species
Worst Month: February -- 93 species

State Stats -- State and Life

Oregon -- 283 year -- 304 life
Idaho -- 174 year -- 240 life
Washington -- 160 year -- 273 life
Utah -- 89 year -- 127 life
Montana -- 36 year -- 245 life

New Counties Visited:

Oregon -- Coos, Tillamook, Yamhill, Douglas, Clackamas
Idaho -- Bannock
Washington -- Okanogan, Skamania, Chelan
Utah -- David, Weber

Memorable Moments of 2020:
April 14 -- On a guided tour on private land, I got to see my life Sharp-tailed Grouse in Weiser, Idaho.
May 1 -- Found my life Neotropic Cormorant in the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah.
June 1 -- Heard my life Mountain Quail in the Elkhorn Mountains, Oregon.
July 25 -- Found my life Red Phalarope at Mann Lake, Idaho.
August 11 -- Found my life Wandering Tattler at the La Grande Sewage Ponds, Oregon. First county record.
August 23 -- Found my life Green Heron at the Hood River Delta, Oregon.
August 23 -- Found my 2nd life Red Phalarope at the Hood River Delta, Oregon.
September 12 -- Found my life Great Crested Flycatcher at Montour Wildlife Management Area, Idaho
September 26 -- Found my 3rd life Red Phalarope at the La Grande Sewage Ponds, Oregon. This self-found rarity was a 2nd county report!
September 27 -- Found my life Little Gull in McNary National Wildlife Refuge, Washington.
October 4 -- Possibly heard my life Boreal Chickadee at Sherman Pass, Washington.
October 6 -- Found my life Ancient Murrelet at the La Grande Sewage Ponds, Oregon. First county record.
October 23 -- Found my life Emperor Goose in Beaverton, Oregon.
October 24 -- Found my life Northern Fulmar in Newport, Oregon. The storm surge might've cancelled my pelagic trip, but the storm brought the pelagic birds to shore.
October 24 -- Found my life Red-throated Loon and heard my life Wrentit at Seal Rocks and Ona Beach, Oregon. I unfortunately couldn't photograph or record either of them.
October 25 -- Found my life Rhinoceros Auklet in Klootchman State Park, Oregon.
October 25 -- Found my life Brown Booby in Coos Bay, Oregon.

Publicado el enero 1, 2022 06:34 MAÑANA por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

31 de diciembre de 2020

My 2020 Birding Year

Year Total: 277 species
Life List: 342 species

Best Month: June -- 176 species
Worst Month: December -- 68 species

State Stats -- State and Life

Oregon -- 255 year -- 274 life
Idaho -- 180 year --- 220 life
Washington -- 138 year -- 274 life
Montana -- 41 year -- 247 life

New Counties Visited

Oregon -- Lincoln, Marion, Crook, Polk, Benton, Washington, Wheeler, Deschutes, Hood River and Jefferson
Idaho -- Twin Falls, Blaine, Gem, Camas, Bonneville, Owyhee, Butte, Madison, Bingham and Jefferson
Washington -- Douglas
Montana -- Mineral and Sanders

Year Lifers: Whimbrel, Black-and-white Warbler, Eastern Phoebe, Plumbeous Vireo, Cassia Crossbill, Broad-winged Hawk, Ruff, Magnolia Warbler, Black Oystercatcher, Snowy Plover, Wood Sandpiper and Acorn Woodpecker

Memorable Moments of 2020 Birding

January 6 -- Found continuing Black Scoter at the Tri-Cities Animal Shelter Pond. 1st county record. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/37403989
January 18 -- While driving into town to run errands, I found both the first Oregon record of a Northern (abieticola) and Eastern (borealis) Red-tailed Hawk. These two subspecies are almost certainly underreported in the Columbia Basin and are likely annual. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/37728667 and https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/37729458
February 18 -- Found three Snowy Owls at a known wintering grounds in northern Washington. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/39307851
April 10 -- Performed my 2nd survey for Project WAfLS (Western Asio flammeus Landscape Survey) and got a pair of copulating Short-eared Owls.
April 23 -- Second times a charm to go to a lek and find 61 Greater Sage-Grouse and those were mostly males! https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/44556023
April 28 -- After two days of unsuccessful searching, I was finally about to get my life Whimbrel in northeastern Oregon. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/44287770
June 1 -- Found a continuing Black-and-white Warbler at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Sighting unfortunately not accepted due to the lack of photos and the eBird reviewer being present who did not see it.
June 27 -- Found continuing Eastern Phoebe in Spokane, Washington; first county record. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/51368685
July 18 -- Found life Plumbeous Vireo in Castle Rocks, Idaho, who liked my pishing. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/54024122
July 19 -- Found life Cassia Crossbill in several places in the South Hills; confirmed by flight call recordings. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/54127771
August 24 -- Found continuing Red-shouldered Hawk in Ladd Marsh, Oregon. 4th county record. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/57653088
August 30 -- Finally got my first Spruce Grouse photos, three males in fact, in Wallowa County, Oregon. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/58275181
August 30 -- Found life Broad-winged Hawk from probably two miles away on Ferguson Ridge in the Wallowa Mts. First northeastern Oregon record. Same individual (presumed by age, markings and Swainson's companion) was photographed by a good friend of mine the next day 50 miles away in the Powder Valley. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/58122598 and https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/259427941
September 1 -- Found continuing Ruff at near Cove, Oregon. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/58253639
September 12 -- Found Magnolia Warbler at Thief Valley Reservoir, Oregon. Unfortunately, the warbler was incredibly secretive and since it was the first county sighting, the county reviewer told me it wouldn't be accepted without photos.
October 21 -- Found life Black Oystercatcher at Depoe Bay, Oregon. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/63432501
October 22 -- Found life Snowy Plovers in Lincoln County, Oregon. Almost had the county high record with 41 individuals. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/63497058
October 23 -- Found continuing Wood Sandpiper in Ankeny National Wildlife Refuge. 2nd Oregon record. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/63541135
October 23 -- Found life Acorn Woodpecker in Klickitat County, Washington. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/63544931
October 27 -- Found continuing Long-tailed Duck at the La Grande Sewage Ponds. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/63891624
November 10 & December 6 -- Subspecies are important because I found a pair (yes, two) Eastern Song Sparrows at North Powder. They represent the 4th Oregon state record and 2nd Intermountain record. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/64627927
November 16 -- According to eBird, my "best" photo of the year is a Black-capped Chickadee. https://www.inaturalist.org/photos/104957433
December 1 & 4 -- In a span of four days, I was able to find and photograph all 4 Blue Jays in Union County. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/65987368 and https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/66232459
December 6 -- Finally found my biggest nemesis bird, the Harris's Sparrow at North Powder. https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/66237137

Goals for 2021
I do have a few goals I want to obtain in the following 12 months. Here's to name a few:

  • Obtained 8 new "photo lifers" so I can say I've photographed 300 species of wild birds.
  • See my life Eastern Bluebird because it's the most common bird on iNat I have not seen.
  • Photograph my next nemesis bird, the White-headed Woodpecker.
  • If safety permits, travel to Pennsylvania to bird for a week or two.
  • See 50 new state birds for Idaho so I can tie that number with OR and WA.
Publicado el diciembre 31, 2020 07:21 TARDE por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de agosto de 2020

Steiroxys Revision Beginnings

Steiroxys is a genus of shieldback katydids with currently four described species. Though we know there are many undescribed species (Caudell 1907) and though it's sister genus Idiostatus was revised (Rentz 1973) with many new species, now much work has been done on this genus. All we know is, there are many species and most probably have small ranges. I've decided to tackle this issue and use citizen science to view distinguishing features of potential species. The downside to this, I cannot be able to revise the genus with just photos naturalists posted because in order to describe a species, you must have a holotype specimen. Which means I have to go out into the field, capture and ultimately kill the insect. I can send the specimen to a museum with my description of species and only then will the science community accept my work. Right now, this is just a outline of eight potential species photographed on iNaturalist and I will tag the observers as I go.

We have additional problems with this. Out of the four described species as of now, S. trilieatus and S. pallidpalpus holotype specimens are lost so we have no clue what they look like. To add onto the problems, I cannot get a sufficient view of holotype of S. borealis to determine the distinguishing features. As mentioned by Caudell, potential species can be identified by the male's cerci, the sensory organs on the abdomen end and the shape or size of it can determine species. For females, subgenital plate shape seems to play a role in identification but since no iNaturalist observer has photographed the female underside, they are all genus level for me. So here's the list:

Steiroxys species-a

Observer: @jimmylegs
Individuals: 2 males
Range: South-central valleys of British Columbia; Kamloops Lake to Kettle River Recreation Area.
Cerci: Probably incorrect terminology but the cerci have two "prongs". The two prongs in this potential species are close to the tip of the cerci and they curve sharply inward in unison.
Notes: A lot of confusion here for this. The cerci of James's individuals are identical to Steiroxys trilieatus photographed by Dan Johnson in the website "Katydids North of Mexico". What I need to decide is whether these are a described species or Dan misidentified and his individual is a part of species-a.


Steiroxys species-b

Observer: @justine_dm
Individuals: 1 male
Range: White Lake Grasslands Protected Area, British Columbia.
Cerci: Compared to species-a, the inner prong is thicker, shorted and triangular-shaped. The outer prong is straight and long.
Notes: Might not be a potential species since it's a nymph.


Steiroxys species-c

Observer: @geographerdave
Individuals: 3 males
Range: Mount Saint Helens, Washington
Cerci: Short and stubby. Inner prong curves slightly and the outer prong may bend outward. The indentation between the two prongs is indistinct.
Notes: If I were to name this species... Steiroxys helenae


Steiroxys species-d

Observer: geographerdave
Individuals: 1 male
Range: Cascades near Panther Creek Falls, Washington
Cerci: Short and stubby. Almost identical to species-c but the inner prong is straight, not curved and is almost equal length of outer prong.


Steiroxys species-e

Observer: @axyaliendragon
Individuals: 1 male
Range: Willamette National Forest near Rainbow, Oregon
Cerci: Intermediate between species-a and species-c. The prongs angle inward at a slight curve but not as distinctive as species-a. Inner prong has a more definitive prong.
Notes: I admit the cerci in the photos are kind of blurry so its possible it's not species. Could be S. strepens.


Steiroxys species-f

Observer: jimmylegs
Individuals: 2 males
Range: North Shasta Mountains, California
Cerci: Cerci enormous with the two prongs exceptionally curved and they'll meet in the middle.
Notes: This could be a new species but this part of California is within the proposed range limits of S. borealis. Unfortunately the provided photo on Orthoptera Species Files (OSF) regarding the holotype does not clearly show the cerci.


Steiroxys species-g

Observer: birdwhisperer (myself), @coreyjlange and @birdernaturalist
Individuals: 3 males
Range: Eastern Oregon
Cerci: Identical to species-a but the inner prong is placed near the base of the cerci not near the tip. This type of cerci shape occurs in three in the same general vicinity leaving me to believe it is indeed different from species-a.


Stieroxys species-h

Observer: Heidi (BugGuide user)
Individuals: 1 male
Range: Lucky Peak near Boise, Idaho
Cerci:: Similar to species-i, long, mostly straight prongs though the outer prong has a slight arch to it.


Steiroxys species-i

Observer: @maybedre
Individuals: 1 male
Range: Atla, Utah
Cerci: Short and straight, very similar to species-d but the outer prong is significantly longer than the inner.
Notes: This sighting is well within the proposed range of S. pallidpalpus but since the holotype specimen has been lost, I cannot confirm if the cerci are correct.

Summary: So there you go, 8 potential species. I hope with help of James, we can collect a few specimens and clear up the waters of this genus. I'm expecting quite a few more species to show up since we do not know which species live in Montana, Colorado, Idaho, eastern Washington and species limits throughout the Cascades. I wouldn't be surprised if the number doubles. Through citizen science, we can make plans on where to go to find species and that's what makes iNaturalist such a great platform for a project like this.

Publicado el agosto 11, 2020 11:08 TARDE por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 8 comentarios | Deja un comentario

12 de mayo de 2020

My Goals as a Biologists

I'm not quite a wildlife biologists, just a college freshman, but that doesn't mean I have goals. Here's a list of goals I want to acquire as a biologist.

  1. Confirm through vocalizations and plumage markers that the Song Sparrow subspecies merrilli range extends much further south than originally believed and the intergrade zone with montana is much larger than previously suspected.
  2. Redefine the plumage features of Song Sparrow subspecies montana and show how they are visually more similar to the nominate than coastal subspecies.
  3. Confirm through nuclei and mitochondria DNA testing that the Barbary Dove is a domesticated hybrid between the African and Eurasian Collared-Dove.
  4. Find and study nesting sites of Red-tailed Hawks in western Canada to confirm the validity of the subspecies abieticola and establish the percentage of intergradation with Harlan's Hawk.
  5. Do studies on vocalizations of Pacific Pseudacris and see if there's any evidence beyond mtDNA testing that the Pacific Tree Frog complex is indeed three separate species.
  6. Study breeding populations of Mexican and Central American Red-tailed Hawks to provide more accurate data on the distribution of subspecific population and show what features to use for identification.
  7. Provide a detailed guide on the distribution and identification of Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Crickets or Katydids) in the Pacific Northwest through citizen science projects.
  8. Create a roadkill survey citizen science project to see what measures we can take to minimize deaths on the roads.
  9. Use GPS tracking to find wintering ranges of South American avian species, previously unknown such as the Antillean Nighthawk or Mexican martins.
  10. Explore the variation extend of the Bewick's and Whistling Swan and use yellow loral percentages to determine what can be called an intergrade.
Publicado el mayo 12, 2020 02:45 TARDE por birdwhisperer birdwhisperer | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario