Archivos de diario de febrero 2021

17 de febrero de 2021

The Journey - Getting Into It (For real this time)

I joined iNaturalist a few months ago. It's hard to believe, because I barely have any observations posted!

Originally, I thought, "Oh, I have so many pictures of random lifeforms in my phone, I can actually contribute with them here, easy!"
Except, I barely actually post anything. That's going to change. Hopefully. With that said, I have started to upload some of my older observations, some of which already have IDs but I feel like I might have made mistakes with anyway, so everyone's free to share their thoughts!

There would probably be a whole slew of Observations that I wouldn't be able to ID, though,
as I'm going to be making Observations on just about anything I encounter. Part of a personal goal of mine is to know, as much as I can, about the life that exists around me. Living in Malaysia, there's life just about anywhere. Look at the grass and you see not one or two, but at least five (5) types of plants growing in a tiny patch. At least five. This area is chock full of life, and the unique interactions between every one.

It's a very nice and grounding feeling to me, honestly. Knowing just how much exists in a tiny place and the idea that there is so much more, yet how everything has its place keeps me encouraged. There is more to appreciate than I would ever be able to in one lifetime, but boy would I strive to appreciate as much as I can.

Maybe as time moves on I'll have some unique observations, then again I already have one in mind. Need to take some pictures first, though. I probably should head outside to take it now, haha.

Publicado el febrero 17, 2021 08:30 MAÑANA por cassieguan cassieguan | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
