Archivos de diario de junio 2018

30 de junio de 2018

This is fun

I haven’t "hunted" for bugs for a long time. I am glad to be doing so again. I did miss it however I am happy that now I can just take pictures of them without having to necessarily capture them or skim them off the top of a pool. I used to see so many different types of insects when I had to clean the pool. Most of them were still alive fortunately so I was doing my best to save them. I recall playing with the occasional water boatmen, diving beetle or pond skimmer while I was in the water. I can’t explain why all of nature fascinates me...even now as an (ugh 😩) adult.

Publicado el junio 30, 2018 02:19 TARDE por dna_55555 dna_55555 | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario


I do get strange looks from people who see me taking pictures or poking around in the tall grass. It doesn’t bother me but I’m not sure some of them understand what I am doing even though I am carrying a tripod and a camera and I constantly follow butterflies and birds. I overheard one guy say to a jogger that he was on his way over to help me find what I lost because to him he thought I dropped something in the weeds. That was nice of him but the jogger informed him that I was taking pictures.
One woman commented as she jogged past me “Taking pictures of the dragons? and I replied yes with a smile. That exchange started my imagination. I knew she was referring to the numerous dragonflies around but I could help thinking if dragons were real they would NOT be hanging around a park populated with so many people. Of course, there have been case in which dragons have been photographed at parks, most emerging from the pond water or hiding in caves underneath the playground equipment but for the most part they would avoid humans.
I go off on tangents like that. The reality of the situation was the cool looking dragonflies and how they were "dancing" in the air.

Publicado el junio 30, 2018 02:35 TARDE por dna_55555 dna_55555 | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
