Archivos de diario de agosto 2012

27 de agosto de 2012

Sunday Walks - City Creek Canyon and Great Salt Lake Marina

Still a lot of fruit and berries on the trees in Memory Grove/City Creek, and I'm increasingly disturbed by the lack of birds and other animals (other than dogs of course) along the dog trail. Plenty of birds down in the park and up above on Bonneville or as you go further up the canyon, but not down there by the creek. There are as many dogs in the other places, so it's not that? Can't help but cast a suspicious eye towards the pipeline activity in the creek. Hmmm...

Trip to the Great Salt Lake Marina to see the spiders. Last time I was there Memorial Day 2011, there were signs everywhere about spraying to kill the spiders, and didn't see any spiders. But spiders are back today! Also saw two praying mantises (manti?) and some other good stuff. Lots of brine shrimp. Multitudes of brine flies. You walk through certain parts and a curtain of buzzing brine flies is all around you, and you can hear and see them but not feel them even though you are walking right through the mass.

Publicado el agosto 27, 2012 01:04 MAÑANA por freejinn freejinn | 9 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
