Bangkok Blue Rock-Thrush

A very interesting winter visitor to the city is the Blue Rock-Thrush, in my extensive few years of birding I hadn’t once seen it in Bangkok. I was made aware a year-or-so ago that they liked tall buildings. Last year, my friend recorded the first one in Nonthaburi on eBird at his high-rise condo which supported the previous claims. This year, my other friend found a pair on his condo’s rooftop garden.

Yesterday, he kindly allowed me to go up and look. It took a while but a Blue Rock-Thrush eventually showed, albeit very briefly, allowing one photo opportunity. It went from one side on the rooftop garden to the other, flew back again, sat on the corner before descending downwards again. The previous day one of the pair was singing. I was happy to just see it because the weather was threatening rain again. The night’s & early morning’s rain allowed for a perfectly positioned reflection.

I now believe the claims of ‘common winter visitor’ across Thailand, it’s just that most birders don’t live in high-rise buildings in the city. Tall buildings are like mountains and the Blue Rock-Thrush finds them homely. I would like to see one lower down but for the most part, they seem to be a sky-scraper exclusive in the city – at least in Bangkok. A very unique dynamic that seems to be unique for this stunning winter visitor to the city.

Publicado el octubre 5, 2024 01:41 MAÑANA por hamsambly hamsambly


Fotos / Sonidos




Octubre 2024


Thailand (Google, OSM)


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