Archivos de diario de octubre 2023

03 de octubre de 2023

Return to UK

I returned to the UK on the 19th of September. I did not see a walking stick (wrong time of year), but observed numerous birds, reptiles, dragonflies, and more. San Marcos, Texas, was extremely hot (40-43C) every day. At times it was hard to breathe and many of the birds had their beaks open all the time. I was able to get numerous photos and have uploaded them already. I flew from Austin to Spokane, Washington, on a packed flight. As a result, a few days later I came down with Covid. This disease flattened me and so I lost 11 days of my holiday. The weather was cooler and I was in time for the annual Kokanee salmon run. Fantastic! The American White Pelican can be found in northern Idaho and I was able to get a far off photo of a flock. Amazing! All in all, it was a successful trip.

Publicado el octubre 3, 2023 02:30 TARDE por mishanook mishanook | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario