Archivos de diario de noviembre 2023

17 de noviembre de 2023

Lomandra longifolia, Lomandra hystrix, Lomandra fluviatilis, Lomandra spicata, Lomandra montana, et al.

Regarding Lomandra longifolia, Lomandra hystrix, Lomandra fluviatilis, Lomandra spicata, Lomandra montana, et al .

For our reference:
These, original taxa descriptions' publications :

(online in the Biodiversity Heritage Library ):

Lomandra longifolia Labill. (1805):
Xerotes hystrix R.Br. (1810):
Xerotes longifolia var. hystrix (R.Br.) Domin (1915):
Lomandra hystrix (R.Br.) L.R.Fraser & Vickery (1937):
Lomandra longifolia subsp. hystrix (R.Br.) A.T.Lee (1962):
[still searching for this publication online?] ... .

Keys' ref's:


Publicado el noviembre 17, 2023 02:56 MAÑANA por stewartj-54_2014- stewartj-54_2014- | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de noviembre de 2023

European–ethnocentric–Australian FWIW key to species in the genus Sarcopteryx in Qld by Gordon P. Guymer

European–ethnocentric–Australian FWIW key to species in this genus Sarcopteryx in Qld:
Guymer, Gordon P. (2023)
Species of Sarcopteryx, in:
KeyBase: Flowering plants of Queensland,
Viewed: 2023 November 22nd.
Quotation of the export text: "

1 Fruits distinctly stipitate, stipes 2–5 mm long; SE Qld (south from Fraser Island) - Sarcopteryx stipata

1 Fruits sessile or on stipes to 1 mm long; N Qld (north from Mackay) 2

2 Branchlet leaves with 2–4 leaflets 3
2 Branchlet leaves with 4–10 leaflets 4

3 Leaf rachises 1–4 cm long; leaflets elliptic to obovate (length: width 2–2.5:1), ± concolorous, margins usually recurved, acute to shortly acuminate, lateral veins 7–9; fruits yellow with pink flush - Sarcopteryx montana

3 Leaf rachises 2.5–8.5 cm long; leaflets elliptic-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate (length: width 2.4–3.2:1), markedly discolorous when dried, margins flat, acuminate, lateral veins 10–13 pairs; fruits pink or red - Sarcopteryx martyana

4 Fruits triquetrous with wings 3–4 mm wide; petals elliptic-oblong, not clawed, 2–2.5 mm long, scales 1–1.25 mm long, pubescent on margins; domatia pockets not obvious - Sarcopteryx acuminata

4 Fruits subglobose, keeled or compressed at sutures; petals suborbicular, 1–2 mm long, often clawed, scales as long as petals, pubescent; domatia pockets prominent - Sarcopteryx reticulata
" .

Publicado el noviembre 22, 2023 06:02 MAÑANA por stewartj-54_2014- stewartj-54_2014- | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario