'Kissing bug' disease more deadly than thought.

The nickname given to the insects that spread Chagas disease is somewhat bittersweet: kissing bugs.

Their name stems from the fact that they like biting humans around their lips and faces as they sleep, after which they defecate into the wound with feces that harbor an infectious parasite, Trypanasoma cruzi.


Publicado el mayo 20, 2017 10:31 MAÑANA por biohexx1 biohexx1


"after which they defecate into the wound"
This makes it sound like this is what the insect does after every bite. They may defecate after feeding, but it doesn't necessarily mean they will or that it will be in the small bite area. The disease typically spreads when people scratch or rub the wound (usually in their sleep) and smear the infected feces into the wound.

Publicado por justinquintanilla hace alrededor de 7 años

True enough. This is CNN sensationalizing.

Publicado por biohexx1 hace alrededor de 7 años

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