'EwA Nature Circles' Project

We are putting together an Earthwise Aware (EwA) Nature Program called: EwA Nature Circles.

An EwA Nature Circle is essentially a Nature focus group where you and your companions engage purposefully in activities that are centered on Nature with us as being part of ‘it’. We also call such groups: experience or learning circles. Our circles develop and exercise naturalist and ecology skills paired with both art and ethics.

You can either join a circle if you know of some operating in your area, or you can create one and invite others to join.

Earthwise Aware

Here this iNaturalist project is dedicated to any EwA circle member in the world so that they share their observations and findings to the EwA community at large. Doing this we help spread an enthusiasm and information about the species that we want to see protected and loved.

Check our website (www.earthwiseaware.org) for more info about what we do at Earthwise Aware, and this program specifically!

Publicado el octubre 4, 2017 08:03 TARDE por akilee akilee


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