Western Honey Bee Abundance in Mostly "Unnatural" Pasadena City College Science Village

Within the Pasadena City College Science Village, honey bees (genus apis) and hummingbirds (family Trochilidae) were the two pollinators observed. Honey bees, more specifically the Western Honey Bee, exhibited a high species abundance . Despite the mostly "unnatural" environment exhibited in the Science Village, such as lots of concrete, buildings, a parking structure, cars, noises and much human disturbance, the bees still were numerous and appeared to be flourishing. Despite the unnatural environment, planters are present with a fair amount of flowering plants, such as the genus Tecoma. At any given time during the morning and afternoon hours, one Tecoma plant would have approximately 100 bees pollinating. This observation leads to a potential hypotheses that as long as a fair amount of flowering plants are present, bees can survive and even flourish despite human disturbance and urbanization.

Publicado el diciembre 10, 2017 09:18 MAÑANA por laurenluvbug laurenluvbug


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