It was a sunny day

At last the sun came out. We've been fighting one minor virus after another (at least we have missed the flu - knock wood) and felt a little better today. So I headed out to the ponds on Witter Lane (on my way to class) to see how they had been impacted and what creatures might be out. The turtle pond (east tank) was teaming with ducks (no binos so I don't know), 13 turtles sunning themselves, one Great Egret perched on a fallen log, and the cormorant. I suppose I could search back to the last time I saw the cormorant here, but I'm not sure that it matters. I was thrilled to see the cormorant, perched lower on the same log. A kestrel was surveying the area and I believe there was a Great Blue Heron on the banks of another tank. It was crouching low. I need to get the binoculars back in my car.

After my class I drove past a number of dead skunks so I turned back to record them I have seen a number of dead skunks on this section of road recently. Before that there were a series of raccoons. I'm not sure what is causing the movement of these animals. There is water to be found on both sides of the road and enough open land still that I would expect plenty of food on each side of the the highway.

Each "turn around" provided additional observations.The first another dead skunk on the paved shoulder immediately across from the street I used. The second time I took advantage of a small cemetery where killdeer and a grackle were feeding among the tombstones.

No trip is ever direct anymore. I always have to schedule in extra time.

Tuesday 2-27-18

I stopped for no roadkill today.

But of course I stopped at the pond. There were TWO cormorants at the turtle pond as well as the Great Egret, ducks, and other creatures. The spiderwebs on the fence were highlighted by the mist. I stopped and attempted photos (gathered in a generic orb weaver observation).

They were burning brush. I suppose it was a matter of taking advantage of the wet weather to have the bonfire. I hope it will show in at least one of the spider shots.

That's it. It was a misty day. The ponds were the same and so different. My daily visits matter - at least to me. Everyone needs a spot like this.

[And I need to remember to put the binoculars back in the car!]

Publicado el febrero 27, 2018 02:49 MAÑANA por alflinn329 alflinn329


Fotos / Sonidos


Zorrillo Listado Norteño (Mephitis mephitis)




Febrero 26, 2018 a las 05:10 TARDE CST


Sorry. I may try to get another photo tomorrow. I was on the way home from my class and passed 2 dead skunks in the middle of the road. I finally found a spot to turn around so I could get photos before the poor things were smashed into anonymous messes. As I prepared to pull out of the neighborhood I saw this - yet another dead striped skunk. There must have been some kind of party or migratory event or something. Maybe it is just the change in the weather (days of rain and fog followed by a brilliant sunny and warm day). Since this guy is on the shoulder, there is a chance I will still get a decent shot tomorrow.

Fotos / Sonidos


Zorrillo Listado Norteño (Mephitis mephitis)




Febrero 26, 2018 a las 05:11 TARDE CST

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Zorrillo Listado Norteño (Mephitis mephitis)




Febrero 26, 2018 a las 05:12 TARDE CST

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María Mulata (Quiscalus mexicanus)




Febrero 26, 2018 a las 05:17 TARDE CST

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Chorlo Tildío (Charadrius vociferus)




Febrero 26, 2018 a las 05:17 TARDE CST


There were two killdeer running around this cemetery. I pulled in to turn around after capturing images of three dead skunks.

Fotos / Sonidos


Garza Real (Ardea alba)




Febrero 26, 2018 a las 12:44 TARDE CST


I’ve been watching the ponds/tanks here during the weather changed. This was the first sunny day in over a week. I was focused on the egret but as I pulled away I saw the cormorant. Good to see it back!

Just added a bad enlargement. The egret is circled in blue. [Cormorant in red.]

Fotos / Sonidos




Febrero 26, 2018 a las 12:51 TARDE CST


The cormorant is back! Today is the first day I’ve observed it this year. I almost missed it as I focused on the egret, ducks, and turtles. Next day. Okay. Still bad shot, but two of them!!!

Fotos / Sonidos


Cernícalo Americano (Falco sparverius)




Febrero 26, 2018 a las 12:49 TARDE CST


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