New Reed Frog from Mozambique

Hyperolius stictus
Diagnosed by the lack of: spines on throat, heel spot, dorsolateral stripes, canthal stripe(extending to snout), light triangle on snout, translucent green belly, white gular disc.
It has small yellow spots on the sides of the back.

Male colouration in life.

Found in northern Mozambique.

Conradie, W., Verburgt, L., Portik, D.M., Ohler, A., Bwong, B.A. and Lawson, L.P. 2018. A new Reed Frog (Hyperoliidae: Hyperolius) from coastal northeastern Mozambique. Zootaxa. 4374 (2). 177-198.

(Thanks to Alex [@alexanderr] for writing this up)

Publicado el abril 3, 2018 02:37 MAÑANA por calebcam calebcam


Thanks, unfortunately the photos are icons

Publicado por i_c_riddell hace más de 6 años

Oops! Let me try to fix that... sorry!

Publicado por calebcam hace más de 6 años

Fixed, I think.

Publicado por calebcam hace más de 6 años

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