City Nature Challenge 2018: We're doing our part!

🌿 2 #citynaturechallenge2018 (Boston area) events so far! We lost connection within a few minutes yesterday after getting on the trail, but that did not stop us to survey the dunes and the coastal woodland very thoroughly. We'll log all that within the challenge 4-days! Today, we did another informal bioblitz at the Fells: same we have tons of good pics that we'll upload tomorrow after our next bioblitz event at Bellevue pond in Medford on Sunday (check our events calendar for details). Come and join us!

04/29/18 Bioblitz event details » here.

citizenScience #biodiversity #natureconservation #bioblitz #nature #ecology #naturephotography

Publicado el abril 28, 2018 06:40 TARDE por akilee akilee


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