Rats hoarding karo and karaka fruit

In each of several very dry areas at the base of trees (Mahoe) we found several dense piles of opened and partially consumed fruits of karo (two sites) and karaka (one site) . This observation was shared with the Animal Pest Control volunteer, who viewed one of the karo-fruit hoards with interest.

The fruit capsules were almost all broken, with many seeds remaining in some, and some empty. There were 10-30 karo fruits, or 5-6 karaka husks (empty), in each hoard.


There were karo trees within c5-10 m of each karo-fruit hoard, and one of the Tradescantia Trial site's few karaka trees within 5m of the karaka nut hoard.

Publicado el mayo 4, 2019 06:21 MAÑANA por kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch


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