Trainee in the Gahnia Grove Methodology Trial

People visiting the Eskdale Forest's Glenfield Rd margin often stop, comment on or ask about the restoration project, and some express an interest in casual participation.

We encourage them to contact the Kaipatiki Project and the Auckland Council Community Ranger for training and co-ordination, as we do not have any free time to offer to train and supervise them, and until now none have indicated they already have the necessary plant identification skills, ecological awareness and commitment to training.

Happily, in November 2019 we accepted an ideal trainee and volunteer into the Methodology trial, allocating them a discrete area of operation. The creation of El Sitio and Pohutukawa Bank extended our Northern boundary by about 50m and forms a large part of Rimu Ridge.

While this has of course involved some extra input of time on our part, it has been rewarding to find that the fundamental principles of this methodology are transferable to those with corresponding aims, skills and aptitudes.

It has also resulted in a good deal of honeysuckle being controlled in a previously unaddressed area.

Publicado el enero 16, 2020 03:58 MAÑANA por kaipatiki_naturewatch kaipatiki_naturewatch


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