An awesome day !

It was one of those days when I was so tired from the night before that I didn't want to move, but I'd planned to visit a couple of local wildlife spots and with the nice weather I thought it would help to improve my mood.

So with my younger (15 1/2 young ?) son we headed to the first spot along the parkway in Exeter. We immediately found painted turtles and ducks enjoying the warm sunny weather along the riverbank. Then we spotted an animal swimming through the water right towards us !! Yeah, but what was it ... an otter ( no ), maybe a beaver ( no ) oh no tell me its not a river rat ! Thankfully it wasn't, it was just a cute little muskrat who was not at all shy in coming to shore near us.

Continuing on along the river bank, we saw a Great Blue Heron land and move down the bank to the rivers edge for a bit of fishing. I took some wonderful photo's of him as he flew out across the river to a spot on the opposite bank.

Moving on to Kingston's Powwow Lake, Alex was moving a long the shore line just above the shallow murky waters when I heard our camera (Alex had it at the time) begin clicking away ! I hurried back to him to see the largest turtle I've ever seen swimming slowly just below the surface. The snapping turtle's shell was just a bit bigger across than a stop sign would be maybe 18" or a bit larger from side to side, with a huge head. It was so awe inspiring to watch this wonderful creature swimming slowly along.

What a wonderful day today has turned out to be !!

Publicado el marzo 24, 2012 09:54 TARDE por fulinn fulinn


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