South/Aldercroft side - 2/19/2020

2/19/2020, 10:15am - 12:06pm
Coverage: Aldercroft Heights Road intersection to second stop sign.

29 dead newts (Updated number - see below), 0 live newts
Other roadkill: 1 large millilpede

Weather: Sunny, clear, in the low 60sF, very dry for too long now!
Rainfall: MTD 0.02in, YTD 15.21in (per

Vehicles: 20
Bikes: 3
Pedestrians: 1

I'm swamped with life right now, so just posting this so everyone knows that section got done, but it's possible that the final numbers and observations won't get posted for a week or two.

  • Update: I culled a bunch of my potential observations from that day, in the effort not to duplicate.

Like @merav, I'll only include ones that looked not super old, and like @sea-kangaroo I also started flinging the easily-detachable newt crackers off the road to make things less confusing next time.

Still, there were some in a middle state that may have been recorded already, so before I commit my observations, I'll compare them against the previous week or so and try not to post duplicates.

Also, I did see the request to remove my previous identified duplicates from the project, and will do so as soon as I have time. If it's somehow time-critical to remove them soon, let me know.

  • Update: I removed the ones labeled as duplicate.
Publicado el febrero 20, 2020 03:31 TARDE por newtpatrol newtpatrol


I think I will start removing the easily removed ones next week. In this weather, I think it really makes sense.

Publicado por merav hace más de 4 años

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