Tips and tricks

HTML codes allowed in descriptions etc
a, abbr, acronym, b, blockquote, br, cite, code, dl, dt, em, embed, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, iframe, img, li, object, ol, p, param, pre, small, strong, sub, sup, tt, ul
eg <strong>strong text</strong>
eg <i>italic text</i>
eg <strike>struck out text</strike> (works in descriptions if not here)
eg <ins>inserted text</ins> (works in descriptions if not here)
eg <a href="http: //">link to webpage</a>
eg <img src=""> Scale.
(or <a href=""><img src=""></a> Scale)
<a href=""><img src=""></a> Scale
<img src=""> Bellbird bands.
Bellbird bands
<img src=""> Kaka bands.
Kaka bands

Tuatara bands at Zealandia : "All the animals have been individually marked with a unique combination of beads adjacent to their neck crest. The larger animals may have 3 beads each side, the smallest 1 bead. The beads on each side are a mirror image of the other so you only need to see the beads on one side. To record the colour combination, list the bead colours in order from the outside edge to the inner-most one next to the spine."

Change "primary" photograph / reorder photos in an observation
You can change the order of photographs you have uploaded for an observation. You might want to do this to select which image is displayed as the main image for that observation (ie number 1) or put a sequence of images into chronological order.
When in edit mode for the observation you will see a "Re-order photos" link beneath the photos, that will take you to a page where you can enter numbers to determine the order of display.

Looking for images suitably licensed for use on wikipedia?

Looking for observations in a particular project?
Add projects[]=project-name to the search URL
eg To find all my observations in "Animal footprints" project:[]=animal-footprints
Note that "project-name" is the name you will find in the URL of the project's page (generally the project name converted to lowercase and spaces converted to hyphens)

Adding a link to another observation?
If people follow links from iNaturalist to NatureWatchNZ of visa-versa they find themselves not logged in. So instead of just pasting a link to another observation as, enter a relative URL in the form of an HTML link <a href="/observations/985491">985491</a> which will give 985491 and takes people to the observation but leave you in which-ever system you are logged in to.
Publicado el abril 17, 2013 11:29 MAÑANA por tony_wills tony_wills


This is really useful, Tony. Thanks. Would you be interested in writing some more general paragraphs about using NatureWatch NZ for our Help pages, especially our current barren wasteland on We'd be happy to give you access if you're interested.

Publicado por jon_sullivan hace más de 10 años

Yes, happy to help.

Publicado por tony_wills hace más de 10 años

Hi Tony,

If I created a page called Tips and Tricks in our help, would you be happy to move all this there? It's really good stuff and it would be good to make it easier to find for everyone.

I should have done that two years ago but I forgot. :-(

Publicado por jon_sullivan hace más de 8 años

Yep happy to do that, probably needs updating though!

Publicado por tony_wills hace más de 8 años

Great! Here you go:

Some combination of the above with more of your clever links to content would be fantastic to see.

Just when you get a chance, of course. I'm also looking forward to the NZ damselfly guide (and dragonflies?).

Publicado por jon_sullivan hace más de 8 años

Thank you for this.

Publicado por colinpurrington hace alrededor de 6 años

Hasn't been updated for a while, some things will have changed :-)

Publicado por tony_wills hace alrededor de 6 años

Yes, keep an eye on the version of this on the Help pages, at

(I've got to sweep through all these Help pages very soon and update the URLs, etc to match the new iNaturalist NZ branding. It's top on my list after getting HTTPS going.)

Publicado por jon_sullivan hace alrededor de 6 años

I was swallowing all that genuine praise, although the line about explaining the subject matter gave me pause ... then I saw the spam link at the bottom :-(

[Edit: Her spam has now been deleted]

Publicado por tony_wills hace más de 5 años

No way no way, You do a great job which is really appreciated

Publicado por addisonsophia hace más de 5 años

Spam is spam :-), remove the link and I will believe you :-)

Publicado por tony_wills hace más de 5 años

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