Local Plants to look for - and best times: flowering / fruiting seasonality

Starting to compile a list of local plants (mostly that I haven't seen yet) and the best time and place to go looking for them. Have also added to this checklist so I can see my progress: https://www.inaturalist.org/lists/2406304-To-find---




  • Cassinia trinerva (Summer-Autumn) - Dorrigo-Ebor
  • Centratherum riparium (Summer-Autumn, Roadsides/paddocks, forest; Sherwood)
  • Comesperma sphaerocarpum (Feb-Mar, Red Rock)
  • Olearia flocktoniae (Dorrigo)




  • Acianthus exiguus (May-June, Bundagen)
  • Cucumis althaeoides (Green Gully Track)





  • Acacia nana (Sept-Oct) Cathedral Rock NP
  • Aneilema acuminatum (Aug-Jan, rainforest or tall sclerophyll forest; Woolgoolga R/forest) https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/52233333
  • Bulbophyllum shepherdii (Sep-Nov) - Swans Rd
  • Chorizandra sphaerocephala (Spring-summer flowering; Swamp, behind hiTech drive/Lot 2; Swamp Isles Dr., behind old bunnings)
  • Dianella longifolia - Pale Flax-Lily (Oct) - Conglomerate SF
  • Diuris alba (Aug-Nov, Grows among grass in sclerophyll forest; Yaraygir NP)
  • Doryanthes excelsa
  • Gentiana wissmannii (Sept-Nov) Cathedral Rock
  • Pultenaea alea (Oct) Sherwood NR
  • Triunia youngiana (Flowering Oct/Nov; Dorrigo)
  • Zieria laxiflora (Aug-Nov, coastal heath / inland swamp; Arrawarra) https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/55384492
  • Zieria prostrata (Spring - Coastal headlands) & associated endangered moth


  • Bauera rubioides (Spring-summer but some all year, wet and often shaded situations; Red Rock heath)
  • Caesia alpina (Spring-Summer flowering; Cathedral Rock NP)
  • Cucumis metuliferus (Bucca Water Treatment Plant)
  • Durringtonia paludosa - Hat head (Nov-Dec)
  • Erythrina vespertilio - (Carnham)
  • Freesia laxa (Oct-Dec, disturbed ground, along roadsides etc; Smoky Cape campground) https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/62104722
  • Homoranthus virgatus - Red Rock heath https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/140862456
  • Leptospermum novae-angliae (Cathedral Rock-Pt Lookout)
  • Mirbelia confertiflora (Spr-Summer; Gibraltar Range)
  • Scaevola ramosissima (Aug-Mar, heath and sclerophyll forest usually on sandy soils; Sherwood)
  • Thelymitra pauciflora (Aug-Jan, sclerophyll forest, woodland and heath; Arrawarra)


ALL YEAR (or most of year) or ANYTIME

Publicado el junio 4, 2020 02:50 MAÑANA por nicklambert nicklambert


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