And observation #2,000 is...

Observation #2,000 for this SDB is in! A pair of playful Desert Cottontails reported from Los Angeles (CA) by @scubabruin:

We've also now passed the 1,000 species mark. Well done, Bioblitzers!

Publicado el agosto 16, 2020 07:55 TARDE por gpasch gpasch


I was the only person far and wide for the first 90 minutes of my bioblitz, until I ran into @scubabruin, one of my fellow California Wild Women (apparently a/k/a The iNat Five.) Congrats, Laura!!

Publicado por andreacala hace alrededor de 4 años

Thanks for commenting, @andreacala and greetings to the iNat Five!
And look forward to receiving your observations (with notes and pictures, too :-)

Publicado por gpasch hace alrededor de 4 años

I'm posting away... here's the first. But I'm a bit nervous as a brush fire just started in my neighborhood...

Publicado por andreacala hace alrededor de 4 años

Thanks for sharing - sorry to hear about the fires... stay safe...!

Publicado por gpasch hace alrededor de 4 años

How did I just finally see this now? Sorry to come late to the fun :)

Thanks for shout out, the bunnies were out in full force that morning. I'm just relived the 2,000th wasn't one of my blurry insect photos, lol.
Looking forward to next SDB along with my fellow Wild Women aka the iNat Five :)

Publicado por scubabruin hace alrededor de 4 años

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