Want to help?

Soon this group will be full of people and I won't be able to do it all.
This is how to help:
Comment letting me know you want to help.
Then when I need help you can help pick the best, we will have an even number for tings we have to do ex: They are 6(six) observations we need to pick. We will each pick 3.
Comment to let me know you want to help :)
If deside you want to help but when I need help you can't that is okay as you can stop at any time
To comment you need to use the website. On the website? Great, if not click here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/the-weekly/journal/43241-want-to-help

Publicado el octubre 24, 2020 03:06 TARDE por rangermyles rangermyles


I think that I will probably help, but I would like to get a little more information before I actually decide. If you could send me answers to these questions that would be great: Which comments will the votes be in and what is the link to that journal post? Should I make a list for each observation that has been voted for with the names of the people that voted for them AND the number of votes that each observation got? Should I give you the observation with the highest number of votes, give you the observations that took 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place, or give you all of the observations no matter how many votes they got (which might be a little bit difficult because there could be a lot of observations that were voted for)? :) This comment could be a little bit confusing so just tell me if you have any questions. :) Bye!

Publicado por imladris hace casi 4 años

By the way, I still have one question and one request. Request: If I do take the job, I would still like to be able to vote for the best observation. Question: Does an observation have to be from the week that you're voting on, or can it be from any time? Please respond as soon as possible. Bye! :)

Publicado por imladris hace casi 4 años

Yes if you take it you can vote
More infomation can be found at: https://www.inaturalist.org/posts/43407-now-hiring
The highest number of votes will be the number #1
296 #1
276 #2

Does this help? Still have question? Please let us know and give us your feedback.

Publicado por rangermyles hace casi 4 años

Hi again, Myles! I just wanted to let you know about a few things. First of all, I would like to tell you that most of the information you gave me was helpful. Secondly, I would like to ask you if someone can have more than one job. Thirdly, if I can have more than one job, I would like to have the jobs, "Vote Counter Daily", and "Pick the Best One Daily". And fourthly, I would like to be a substitute for you in case you are unavailable for a period of time. However, in order for me to be the substitute, you may have to make me the owner while you aren't available and just comment letting me know that you are available once you are back. I won't change any of the settings. I will only put up journal posts that may be needed and you can delete them when you get back. Bye!

Publicado por imladris hace casi 4 años

By the way, I still have a few questions. Question 1: Should I give you just 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place with the name of that observation, the name of the person who posted the observation, the number of votes that that observation got, AND the names of the people who voted for them?
1st: Blue Jay, myles678, 3 votes, jem9redwood, imladris, easpears
2nd: Groundhog, imladris, 2 votes, tiwane, kueda
3rd: American Robin: myles678, 1 vote, elisabethmcclain
Question 2: Should I give you all of the observations that were voted for in the same format as described above, no matter how many votes they got?
1st: Blue Jay, myles678, 5 votes, jem9redwood, imladris, easpears, tomarata, sam727
2nd: Groundhog, imladris, 4 votes, tiwane, kueda, greglasley, myles678
3rd: American Robin, myles678, 3 votes, elisabethmcclain, one-strange-ranger, rangerjosh
Question 3: What does it mean to take out somebody who's voted twice?
Please respond to these questions as soon as possible. Bye! :)

Publicado por imladris hace casi 4 años

To take someone out who voted twice
I will want the top 7(the whole week)
This should be easy as you have to count them all anyway.

1st: Blue Jay, myles678, 3 votes, jem9redwood, imladris, easpears
2nd: Groundhog, imladris, 2 votes, tiwane, kueda
3rd: American Robin: myles678, 1 vote, elisabethmcclain

Yes, the same format

I will not make you the owner (as you will have to change it back and you might forget) but I will make you a admin.
Info about admin:
Note: these users will be able to edit ALL project details including admins. Admins must be existing members of the project.

Do not edit the admins,


Managers can do everything curators can do as well as editing project settings and write project journal posts.

The admin is the person who created the project. They can do everything managers and curators can do, as well as delete the project.

Publicado por rangermyles hace casi 4 años

Yes, it does help. Sorry about saying you had to make me the owner. I just remembered about the admin option after I sent you the comment. Thank you for the information. Bye! :)

Publicado por imladris hace casi 4 años

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