10:00–14:00 CET)
Watch live here: https://youtu.be/Al9_LzJxhQ0
First session
chair Mark Eaton
Opening the event
Mark Eaton, EBCC Chair, Royal Society for Protection of Birds, Gabriel Gargallo, director,
Catalan Ornithological Institute
The story of European Breeding Bird Atlas 2
Verena Keller, chair of the Atlas Steering Committee, EBCC, Swiss Ornithological Institute
General patterns of bird distribution and change in Europe
Sergi Herrando, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Catalan Ornithological Institute
Distribution, abundance and change in selected species
Petr Voříšek, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
10:55–11:05 Break
Use of EBBA2 results for policy
Maria Luisa Paracchini, Joint Research Centre
Use of EBBA2 data in research
Aleksi Lehikoinen, EBCC, University of Helsinki
Interpreting and using EBBA2 results
Discussion session in which Verena Keller, Sergi Herrando, Petr Voříšek, Maria Luisa
Paracchini and Aleksi Lehikoinen will be available for questions.
12:05–12:15 Break
Second session
chair Ruud Foppen
European Russia Bird Atlas: done
Mikhail Kalyakin, EBCC, Zoological Museum of the Moscow University
Ukrainian contribution to EBBA2: challenges and lessons
Tatiana Kuzmenko, Ukrainian Society for Protection of Birds
Selected experiences from the 3rd Danish breeding bird atlas (2014–17)
Thomas Vikstrøm, Danish Ornithological Society
Beyond EBBA2: from atlas to monitoring
Alena Klvaňová, EBBA2 coordination team, EBCC, Czech Society for Ornithology
Time for questions. Mikhail Kalyakin, Tatiana Kuzmenko, Thomas Vikstrøm and Alena
Klvaňová will be available for questions.
Making EBBA2 happen – the national perspective
Feedback from the countries contributing to EBBA2: a series of short talks by national
coordinators of atlas work:
Using advantages of Armenia to organize country-wide data collection
Karen Aghababyan
Data-rich and data-poor, maximising EBBA2 coverage in the UK
Dawn Balmer, Justin Walker, David Noble
Atlas of birds in breeding season (Spain)
Blas Molina, Juan Carlos del Moral, Aaron Nebreda
Hungarian Bird Atlas (2021) – based on Hungarian PECBMS and EBBA2 data
Tibor Szép
Collecting data for the European breeding birds atlas in Bulgaria Stoycho Stoychev
Contribution of structured and unstructured data to EBBA2 – The case of Portugal
Carlos Godinho, Júlia Almeida, Joaquim Teodósio, Domingos Leitao
The EBBA2 experience in Greece Danae Portolou
EBBA2 in Poland – challenges and lessons learnt Tomasz Wilk, Tomasz Chodkiewicz
National contribution to EBBA2 – Croatia Vlatka Dumbovic Mazal
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