Here come the birds! From Tracy Aviary

Tracy Aviary CNC banner
Tracy Aviary is excited to return for the 2021 City Nature Challenge! Why is the CNC so important to us? Well, urban biodiversity is all around Salt Lake City! The months of April-May are especially critical for birds: spring migration is underway. Bird species are moving through our city; whether it be short-distance migrants like Townsend's Solitaires or far-ranging Neotropical migrants like Lazuli Buntings. The Jordan River is an important corridor; more than 200 bird species have been documented along its banks and byways! With this thrilling diversity, there is much to learn about our avian neighbors. Join Tracy Aviary scientists for a Bioblitz at the Jordan River Nature Center! At this event, we'll teach you how to use the iNaturalist app, then you can roam the grounds to document plants and animals for this project. We can't wait to see you and spot some good birds together!

By Frances Ngo, Conservation Outreach Biologist

Follow Tracy Aviary @tracyaviaryconservation

Publicado el abril 22, 2021 04:04 TARDE por patrickkelly907 patrickkelly907


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