Project Update 4: Huge boost in project members + reminder of project requirements

Just wanted to say a warm welcome to all the new project members; with the project currently sitting under 'Featured' on the project page, we've had almost 130 new users join in just a month and a half!

Of course, with more members have come more observations, and amazing photographs continue to flood in. However, there have been quite a lot of observations added to the project that don't fit the requirements. Not a huge deal, but thought I'd take this opportunity just to clarify the project's scope for new members.

  1. Any observations you add must be the first photograph(s) of that species anywhere. If an observation is the first one for that species to be uploaded to iNat, but other photos of that species from an earlier point in time already exist elsewhere online/in print, then that observation should not be added to the project. This is the biggest source of observations that I have to remove from the project. So your observation must be the first photograph of that species on iNat and also the first anywhere.
  2. Your photograph must be of a living individual. A number of observations have been added that depict things like empty mollusc shells, dead fishes, pinned insects, etc. These are not eligible for the project.

Feel free to ask any questions if you're unsure about the project. I look forward to seeing your awesome observations :)

Publicado el junio 9, 2021 02:03 TARDE por thebeachcomber thebeachcomber


Dear Thomas,
I have mistakenly included one of my observation (of species "Joguina unimaculata") in this project, the photograph of this species is already available in the recently published journal article.

Kindly help me remove this observation from the project. Thanks and my wishes for your this project group.

Publicado por vivekbgirija hace más de 3 años

Thanks Vivek, much appreciated :)
I've removed it

Publicado por thebeachcomber hace más de 3 años

Thank you!

Publicado por vivekbgirija hace más de 3 años

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