185-Field Identification Mollusks & shells from Ana

Mainly as bookmarks from anasacuta, https://www.inaturalist.org/people/1676835 but also in case it is useful to others, I list below some identification resources.


  1. France: MNHN Biodiversicles app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mnhn.inpn.biodiversicles&hl=fr (Android app; allows filtering by region and by intuitive traits; with good photos of shells for all species + map for France; a great identifying resource inc for beginners; in French)
  2. Iberia & Balearics: Cadevall & Orozco (2016) Caracoles y Babosas de la Península Ibérica y Baleares (excellent book for identification; with good photos of shells, sometimes of the live animal too + description + maps; in Spanish)
  3. Global: http://www.animalbase.org/ (database of species; with some ID info + photos of shells; particularly useful to see a diversity of shells; in English)
  4. Iberia & Macaronesia: https://www.malacowiki.org/ (database with photos of shells + description + distribution maps; in Spanish)
  5. Continental Portugal: Albuquerque de Matos (2014) Atlas dos Caracóis Terrestres e de Águas Doces e Salobras Portugal Continent (book; with photos of land AND freshwater species; maps in Atlas format; in Portuguese)
  6. Global: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species https://www.iucnredlist.org (database of species, progressively getting more complete - many European species there already; not an ID resource, but useful for its global distribution maps; also conservation status, habitat, threats; in English).
  7. Andaluzia: ICTIOTERM http://www.ictioterm.es/glosario_taxonomico_nombres_cientificos.php (database of common species, with good photos and a little description; in Spanish)


  1. Global: DORIS (Données d'Observations pour la Reconnaissance et l'Identification de la faune et la flore Subaquatiques) https://doris.ffessm.fr/ (database with photos of live animals and shells + description + distribution notes + similar species; in French)
  2. Global: Marine Species Identification Portal http://species-identification.org/index.php (database with a photo + description + distribution notes; in English)
  3. France (Atlantic/Channel): http://nature22.com/estran22/mollusques/mollusques.html (great photos + great ID tips; in French) (particularly useful for the N. Sea)
  4. British Isles: https://naturalhistory.museumwales.ac.uk/BritishBivalves/home.php? (Bivalves only; 1 page per species, great photos + description + distribution in the BI; in English)
  5. Mediterranean: http://www.idscaro.net/sci/04_med/index.htm (great photos, great photo index)
  6. World: http://www.idscaro.net/sci/01_coll/index.htm
  7. World: Hardy's Internet Guide to Marine Gastropods http://www.gastropods.com/index.shtml (catalogue with a good diversity of photos)
  8. Morddyn's flicker albums: excellent photos and detailed ID notes for some British species inc gastropodes (e.g. Littorina, trivia, limpets) and barnacles https://www.flickr.com/photos/56388191@N08/collections/
  9. Malacológica mediterránea (Spain): nice blog with much information and photos of hundreds of species found in Cabo de Paulos (near Murcia) https://cienciaymalacologia.blogspot.com/


  1. Insects (& spiders), France: https://www.insecte.org/ (in French) - great photo gallery, forum with ID tips
  2. Jumping spiders, France: https://www.regard-d-araignee.fr/ (in French). Great photos/description. Inc comparative table.
  3. Spiders, France: http://www.dipode-vie.net/Arachnides/Index.html (in French). Great photos/descriptions per species
  4. Spiders, France & Belgium: https://arachno.piwigo.com/index.php?/categories - great photos
  5. Spiders per country: http://wiki.arages.de/index.php?title=Hauptseite (in German)
  6. Cicadas, Europe: sounds: http://www.cicadasong.eu/
  7. Cicadas, France: excellent photo guide https://cote-dor.lpo.fr/IMG/pdf/2010_ONEM_Cl%C3%A9%20illustr%C3%A9e%20des%20cigales%20de%20France%20continentale.pdf
  8. Centipedes, France: http://aramel.free.fr/INSECTES31.shtml (in French)


  1. British lichens http://www.lichens.lastdragon.org/index.html


  1. Field ID Guide to the Sharks and Rays of the Mediterranean and Black Sea: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261990535_Field_Identification_Guide_to_the_Sharks_and_Rays_of_the_Mediterranean_and_Black_Sea
  2. Morphological descriptions of the eggcases of skates from the central-Western Mediterranean, with notes on their distribution: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/318168352_Morphological_descriptions_of_the_eggcases_of_skates_Rajidae_from_the_central-Western_Mediterranean_with_notes_on_their_distribution
  3. Shark Trust's guide for NW Europe: https://www.sharktrust.org/pages/faqs/category/identifying-your-eggcase
  4. STRATEGIE VOOR ENERGIE #2 - RES Nieuwe bronnen
    STRATEGIE VOOR ENERGIE #2 - RES Nieuwe bronnen Om klimaatdoelstellingen te halen moeten we in 2030 35 TwH opwekken op land. De regionale energiestrategie biedt perspectief om deze opgave te halen. We denken dan vaak aan draaiende windmolens of glinsterende zonnepanelen, maar technische en ontwerp innovaties gaan snel. Waar kunnen we op rekenen tot 2030? Welke innovaties moeten we in de gaten houden? Kunnen zonnepanelen in meubilair genoeg opwekken aan de grote energiebehoefte te voldoen? In dit programma kijken we vooruit naar 2030 en bieden we vergezichten voor de toekomst. Hoe wekken we onze energie duurzaam op in 2050?>

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Mainly as bookmarks from https://www.inaturalist.org/people/1676835 but also in case it is useful to others, I list below some identification resources.

180-Field Identification Mollusks & shells from Ana

Publicado el julio 23, 2021 12:29 TARDE por ahospers ahospers


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