Black Henbane found in the region, thanks to iNaturalist

Please be on the look out for Black Henbane. It has been observed in the region and came from a shipment of manure.

For more information see:

Report High Priority Species Directly to CKISS

If you observe any high priority species (Prevent, EDRR or Eradicate/Annual Control species), in addition to sharing on iNaturalist, we would appreciate if you could also submit a report of the observation to CKISS . This is to ensure that we are aware of these high priority sites and can follow-up with you if necessary. Our priority list can be found under "More", "Guides", Guide to Invasive Plants of the Central Kootenays.

Publicado el agosto 6, 2021 05:12 TARDE por ckiss_kootenay ckiss_kootenay


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