Journal for Lab 3- Burdocks

I observed the Lesser Burdock, which is a vascular, eudicot, and also referred to as the Common Burdock among other names, however it is commonly known as 'burrs'. A vascular plant refers to plants that contain seeds, and a eudicot means that the plant flowers and produces two seed leaves during its germination process. The phylogeny of the Common Burdock occurred in North America, Europe and Asia. As a eudicot, the Lesser Burdock is classified under Eukaryotes branch of the OneZoom phylogeny tree.

All species observed in iNaturalist have a phylogenic history in both North America and Europe, highlighting the interconnectedness of flora between the two continents since the time of the European colonization of North American lands.

Burdocks have adapted uniquely to allow dispersal of their seeds. The hooked tips of the spiky points of the Burdock allow them to be easily caught on passing animals. The seeds will then travel with the animal, eventually falling off and releasing seeds, allowing the plant to grow in a new spot.

Publicado el septiembre 18, 2021 10:36 TARDE por christianereid christianereid


Fotos / Sonidos


Lampazo (Arctium minus)




Septiembre 14, 2021 a las 03:14 TARDE EDT


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