1st Day Success

Thanks everyone for coming out to the first day of the Evangola BioBlitz! We just broke 100 species in our project, and I know there are still many observations we haven't uploaded yet! My personal favorite so far is the Chicory I have found. Usually, chicories are a light purple/lavender color. The one I found today was completely white, something I haven't seen before.

At this point, we have already added 15 new species to our overall biota list for the park! See everyone tomorrow for day 2.



Edit: I made a grammar mistake. Also, as more observations are coming in from today, we are now over 60 new species added to the park biota list!

Publicado el septiembre 10, 2022 08:15 TARDE por carlyguido carlyguido


Amazing first day!!

Publicado por claudiarosen12 hace alrededor de 2 años

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