We're Finished!

We did it! Another tremendous push - thank you all so much! And now the numbers...

In the last 48 hours, the total number of Verifiable New England plant observations, both Research Grade and Needs ID increased from 1,783,621 to 1,784,484, an increase of 863. (And we identifiers wonder why we can't keep up, when this many observations are added over a February weekend.)

The total number of Needs ID observations decreased from 756,383 to 748,954, a decrease of 7,429. Remember, however, 863 new observations were added at the same time, so that's a total decrease of 8,292. Wow!!

In the finer categories, the number of observations at species-level dropped by 5,151. The observations at genus level dropped by 1,729. Pre-Mavericks dropped by 555.

Well, did you have fun? I did, although I'll confess my neck and butt are a little stiff and sore. Did you learn stuff? Did looking at all these photos make you yearn for spring? Do you want to do it again next year? I think the IDing is getting harder, if only because we cleared out quite the backlog of "easy" IDs last year. What do you think?

And thank you!

Publicado el febrero 27, 2023 12:05 MAÑANA por lynnharper lynnharper


Thanks for organizing this, and all of us, Lynn. It needs doing!

Publicado por patswain hace más de 1 año

Lynn, thanks for herding us cats! :-)

Publicado por trscavo hace más de 1 año

Thanks, @patswain and @trscavo!

Publicado por lynnharper hace más de 1 año

Very satisfying to clear Pre-Mavericks! Thank you.

Publicado por dianastuder hace 12 meses

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