Argumentum ad auctoritate and argumentum ad verucundiam – not agreeing nor disagreeing with so called authority figures, every body actually learning first hand and each our own authority

Argumentum ad verucundiam and argumentum ad auctoritate
– not agreeing nor disagreeing with so called authority figures because we do not have that fallacious mode of thinking.

Every body actually learning first hand, with free choice given to each of us all, and hence each our own authority figure.

Seriousness (eg. dry philosophy) goes better with excellent, good humoured, peaceful music: → .

[Stanford Uni academic, excellent pedantry, on fallacies as a topic per se : → ] .

In reality!!! (—actual brilliance and practicality, in reality in this world we have to live in, beyond pretentious credentialism and beyond any other fallacies).

Savvy and well informed about the reality of human politics across all humans bar none, George Lakoff (former director of the USA Democrats Party) : → .


Publicado el mayo 3, 2023 10:30 TARDE por stewartj-54_2014- stewartj-54_2014-


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