Monarch migration is well underway!

Photo by johnslowry of a monarch nectaring on Joe-Pye Weed.

The Monarch supergeneration is on the move to Mexico and you can currently observe them migrating across Ontario.

Roosts (i.e. where Monarchs spend the night) have already been seen from Ottawa southwest to Windsor. You can observe a roost anywhere within the migratory route of Monarchs, but in Ontario they're most likely to be observed in the evenings or early morning close to the shorelines of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Presqu'ile Provincial Park on Lake Ontario and Point Pelee National Park on Lake Erie are two excellent locations to observe this phenomenon.

If you observe a Monarch roost, remember to add it to this project! We also appreciate all monarch observations whether they are a roost or not. If you do observe a roost, consider revisiting the location on subsequent days and recording what you see.

If you are interested in completing point counts of Monarchs anywhere in Ontario, we have a Survey123 form that can be completed using the Survey123 app or browser on your cellphone (survey link: This survey allows the capture of absences and the direction of migrating monarchs.

We appreciate any and all observations!

Publicado el septiembre 7, 2023 03:25 TARDE por vincef vincef


Have two reliable reports of possible roosting sites at Point Petre in Prince Edward County. Will be going there this Saturday afternoon/evening in the hopes of confirming this. And hopefully getting pics.

Publicado por johnslowry hace alrededor de 1 año

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