2023 - First year of serious 'mothing'


I spent most evenings this spring/summer staying up late checking a light sheet and then setting a home made trap before bed. Every morning I would go out and check what the evening's catch was with my daughter. I can confirm what some other 'moth-ers' have said about rainy evenings, moths don't mind rain and I actually had some of my best catches on rainy nights. Now that temperatures are dropping I have dismantled my sheet and light setup and am beginning to prepare for next year.

My daughter and I began collecting insects last summer after being inspired by Entomica and seeing the insect collection at Sault College. I am currently working on 'digitizing' last years specimens. I have also been pinning this years catches. My hope is by spring I will have an empty freezer and photographs of all the specimens in the collection.

Thank you to eveyone who helped with ID's on both my moth and 'not-moth' observations. I've learned a lot in my first year on iNat!

2023 Stats:

Total species: 320

Total species caught in trap: 91

First of the season: Apr 13, 2023 - Speckled Green Fruitworm Moth (Orthosia hibisci)

Last of the season: Sep 23, 2023 - Copper Underwing (Amphipyra pyramidoides)

December 31, 2023 - Brown Satyr Moth (Ufeus satyricus)


2023 Top 10 Favourite Observations:

The following are my personal 10 favourite from this season, in no particular order.


2024 Wish List:

These are my 10 most 'hoped for' species going into next year.

Publicado el octubre 6, 2023 07:36 TARDE por jackgelinas jackgelinas


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