End of April

2023 had our most ever April observations (367), counties (46), and species (20).

So far for 2024, we now have the most observations (500+) and the most counties (50+ so far). Also, now, the most species (23). Still possible on Blue Dasher, Skimming Bluet, Red Saddlebags, and Lancet Clubtail - these have all April records in the last three years.

Our final April days include warm weather and and a weekend - both good signs for submissions.

Publicado el abril 28, 2024 12:36 MAÑANA por jimlem jimlem


Other than the CGDs, which have been especially easy to find this month, it’s been a slow start to the season in Coshocton County.

I found 5 species in Butler County, yesterday, including several Blue Corporals.

Publicado por jheiser hace alrededor de 1 mes

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