Fairlee Bog Pond

Has anyone ever visited Bog Pond in Fairlee, VT?

It is described on their website and is owned by the Nature Conservancy, but there don't appear to be any known trails or access.

"Fairlee Bog Pond, located on 142 acres of Nature Conservancy land in the hills north of Lake Morey, is our only true “bog.” A bog is a marsh that has accumulated enough dead sphagnum and other mosses and plants to form peat, supporting a special array of plants requiring very acidic conditions, such as pitcher plants. Bogs have extra environmental value as carbon sinks, meaning they absorb and sequester large amounts of carbon so it is not released into the atmosphere unless disturbed or burned. While the Nature Conservancy allows visitors, including hunters, we could not locate a map of permitted access points through the surrounding private properties. If we find a good access trail or contact for permission, we will add it here." (1)

"The beauty of these lakes surrounded by wooded hills has not been spoiled by development. This is true of Glen Falls Brook, and Bog Pond (above the north end of Lake Morey), which is a unique "quaking" peat bog with rare plant life." (3)

@cgbb2004 @tsn @trscavo do you guys have any info or local knowledge?

Any help is appreciated. I would love to schedule a trip to see the Fairlee Bog if I find enough information, and it is feasible. Anyone is welcome to join!


  1. https://www.fairleeforest.org/wetlands_overview
  2. https://www.nature.org/content/dam/tnc/nature/en/documents/vermont-preserve-visitation-guidelines.pdf
  3. https://issuu.com/fairleevt/docs/historical_pamphlet (Pages 10-11)
Publicado el junio 19, 2024 12:36 TARDE por micholoko micholoko


@micholoko -- sorry, I do not know this area. Good luck finding more information! If you do, such a trip would still be a bit far afield for me, at least right now, but I would follow any iNaturalist observations with interest!
:-) cb

Publicado por cgbb2004 hace 4 meses

Hi @micholoko I've never been to Fairlee. Looking at a few maps, it appears Bog Pond is private-landlocked. There doesn't seem to be an easy avenue of access.

Publicado por trscavo hace 4 meses

I used to live in Thetford, which is next door to Fairlee, but I had never even heard of Bog Pond before now. I have walked around Lake Morey and in the Morey Mountain Conservation Area (and I recommend both), but I'm sorry I can't offer any further insight on Bog Pond, beyond what you have already compiled.

Publicado por tsn hace 4 meses

That area is close to where I live. But I have no information on how to get to the bog. I didn't even know it existed. Well...time to start asking around and I'll get back to you if I get some information.

Publicado por hollyyoung hace 4 meses

Thanks everyone!

@hollyyoung im excited to see what you find!

Publicado por micholoko hace 4 meses
Publicado por trscavo hace 4 meses

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